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ApiDefinition object

An ApiDefinition is an object that defines an API, including which tokens have access, the URL route, and which action should be triggered.


The table below lists the properties of the ApiDefinition object. For each property, it also indicates whether the property can be used for filtering using the ApiDefinitionExposers.

Property Type Filterable Explanation
ID ApiDefinitionId Yes The ID of the ApiDefinition.
Name string Yes Optional name that makes the definition recognizable.
Description string No Optional description.
Route string Yes The suffix of the URL where this API call will be available. See Route.
SecuritySettings SecuritySettings Yes (AllowedTokens) Info on who can call this API. See SecuritySettings.
ActionType ActionType Yes The type of action that will be triggered when the API is called. See Actions.
ActionMeta IActionMeta No Additional data for the action. See Actions.
CreatedBy string Yes The name of the user who created the definition.
CreatedAt DateTime Yes The UTC date and time when the definition was created.
LastModifiedBy string Yes The name of the last user who modified the definition.
LastModified DateTime Yes The UTC date and time when the definition was last modified.


The route describes the URL route where the API will be available. It is a suffix that comes after the base URL {hostname}/api/custom/.

  • The route must not start or end with a forward slash (/).

  • The route must be unique for each API definition. When it is saved, DataMiner will automatically check this to prevent conflicts.

  • Routes are case-insensitive.

For example, if you want to create an API to retrieve the status of all encoders in your system, a logical route would be encoders/status. The full API call would then look like this:

HTTP GET mydataminer.customer.local/api/custom/encoders/status

We recommend that you keep routes simple and straightforward. For some great tips on this, refer to


The SecuritySettings property can be used to describe which tokens can be used to access the API. It has the following property:

Property Type Description
AllowedTokens HashSet<ApiTokenId> Collection of token IDs that have access to the API.


Using the ActionType and ActionMeta properties, you can define which action should be executed when the API is triggered.


This is the default value of the ActionType property. It will execute an Automation script through the OnApiTrigger entry point method.

To define which script should be executed and how the input data should be handled, you will need to assign an AutomationScriptActionMeta instance to the ActionMeta property. This has the following fields:

Property Type Description
ScriptName string The name of the script that should be executed. Cannot be null or empty.
InputType InputType Determines how the input data from the request will be handled. The options are Parameters or RawBody. See Defining a new API.


This ActionType is similar to the AutomationScript action type, except that there is no need to define a special entry point method in the Automation script. The script will be executed through the default Run() method. This means that the ApiTriggerInput object is not available, and it is also not possible to return the ApiTriggerOutput to the API user. The action will return 200 OK with an empty response body in case the script succeeded, and an AutomationActionError response error when the script fails.

This action will always convert the request body to a Dictionary<string, string>. It will verify that there is a value in the parsed dictionary for each of the script parameters defined in the script. For more information, see User input data.

You will need to assign an AutomationScriptNoEntryPointActionMeta instance to the ActionMeta property. This has the following fields:

Property Type Description
ScriptName string Name of the script that should be executed. Cannot be null or empty.

For an example of how to use this action, see Using the script without the OnApiTrigger entry point.


  • Create & Update
    • The Name property must not contain only white space characters. It must either contain visible characters or be empty/null.
    • The Route property must meet the requirements mentioned under Route.
    • The ActionMeta property must contain an instance of a meta class according to the configured action type. See Actions.


When something goes wrong during the CRUD actions, the TraceData can contain one or more ApiDefinitionErrors. Below is a list of all possible ErrorReasons. The Id property of the ApiDefinitionError object will always contain the ID of the API definition that could not be created or updated.

Reason Description
InvalidName The specified name only contained white space characters.
RouteInUse The specified route is already used by another ApiDefinition. ConflictingDefinitionId contains the ID of the definition that is already using the route. Route contains the invalid route.
InvalidRoute The route did not meet the criteria. See Route. Route contains the invalid route.
InvalidActionMeta The defined ActionMeta was empty, did not match the type, or contained an invalid configuration.


To create, read, update, or delete API definitions, specific user permissions are needed: