Adding a custom command to the Alarm Console shortcut menu
Go to the C:\Skyline DataMiner root directory of one of your DataMiner Agents and open the file Hyperlinks.xml.
If this file does not exist, create it.
In the XML file, specify all custom commands. For more information, see Hyperlinks.xml.
Force a synchronization of the file Hyperlinks.xml throughout your DataMiner System:
In DataMiner Cube, go to Apps > System Center.
Go to the Tools tab and select synchronization.
In the drop-down list next to Type, select File.
In the File box, specify the following path: C:\Skyline DataMiner\Hyperlinks.xml.
Click the Sync now button.
In case DataMiner Cube was open while you edited the settings, the changes will only be applied after you close and reopen Cube.
Even after a forced synchronization, the hyperlinks you added or updated will only be visible when you right-click an alarm raised after the update of the Hyperlinks.xml file.