Table of Contents

Editing an information template

You can either edit the complete information template in the Protocols & Templates module, or edit the template for a single parameter.

Editing the complete information template

To make changes to the complete information template:

  1. Go to Apps > Protocols & Templates.

  2. Under Protocols, select the protocol.

  3. Under Information Templates, right-click the information template you want to edit and select Open. Alternatively, you can also open the information template in a new card with the context menu options Open in new card or Open in new undocked card.

  4. Make the necessary changes and click OK.

    For more information, refer to step 4 of Creating an information template.

  • A protocol’s default information template, which is defined in the Protocol.xml file, cannot be edited as described above. The only way to modify it is by making changes to the protocol itself.
  • If an information template is based on an older protocol version that does not have the same parameters as the latest protocol version, a warning is displayed at the bottom of the information template. Above the warning, a drop-down list allows you to select a different protocol version to load those parameters instead.

Editing the information template for one parameter

To make changes to the information template for one particular parameter:

  1. Go to the Information window, either from the Alarm Console, or from a parameter card:

    • In the Alarm Console, right-click an alarm for that particular parameter, and select Change > Information.

    • In the top-left corner of the parameter card, click the hamburger button, and select Change information.

  2. Make the necessary changes:

    • To adapt the category, choose a different category in the drop-down list next to Category

    • To adapt the alarm description, write a new alarm description in the Alarm description field.

    • To adapt the corrective actions, write the new corrective actions in the Corrective actions field.

  3. Click Update Information Template to save your changes.

    • The template will be updated for all elements that use it. These are listed for reference at the bottom of the Information window.
    • If you use this procedure for an element that was using the default information template, a new template will be created with the changes you entered for this parameter.