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Disabling the indication that a page or shape is loading

When data linked to a page or shape is retrieved in Visual Overview, an indication can be displayed that the page is loading. In some cases, this can be inconvenient, for example when a shape is linked to a parameter that may or may not exist. Therefore, it is possible to use the EnableLoading option to determine whether this is indicated for a page or for a particular shape.

To do so, add a shape data field of type Options to the page or to the shape, and set its value either to EnableLoading=True to enable the indication that it is loading or to EnableLoading=False to disable it.

Shape data field Value
Options EnableLoading=True or EnableLoading=False


  • To make sure no "loading" indication is shown for a shape linked to a parameter that might not exist, add a shape data field of type Options to the shape in question, and set its value to EnableLoading=False.

  • To make sure the "loading" indication is only displayed for one particular shape on a page, do the following:

    • Add a shape data field of type Options to the page, and set its value to EnableLoading=False.

    • Add a shape data field of type Options to the shape, and set its value to EnableLoading=True.