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Setting the background color of a static shape

From DataMiner 10.1.11/10.2.0 onwards, you can set the background color of a static shape, i.e. a shape that is not linked to an element, a service or a view.

To do so, add a shape data field of type BackgroundColor, and set the value to the color you want to use.

Shape data field Value
BackgroundColor A color, which can be configured in one of the following ways:
- An HTML color code (e.g. #FF102030)
- An RGB color code (e.g. 40,50,60)
- A standard color name (e.g. magenta)
- A color placeholder referring to one of the configured DataMiner alarm colors (e.g. [color:severity=minor])
- A placeholder referring to a variable containing a color value (e.g. [PageVar:MyColorSessionVar])

If a valid color is specified or retrieved via a placeholder, this background color is enforced on the shape. If blinking was enabled, it will be disabled because of this.