Configuring a page to update a session variable when another session variable changes
It is possible to have an open Visual Overview page update a session variable when another session variable changes.
See also: Linking a shape to a SET command
Configuring the shape data field
Add a shape data field of type Execute on page level. Set the shape data field to the following value:
X: The scope of the session variable that should be updated:
Variable = Global variable
CardVariable = Card variable
PageVariable = Page variable
WorkspaceVariable = Workspace variable
Y: The name of the session variable that should be updated.
Z: The new value of the session variable (which can contain dynamic parts referring to parameters or other session variables).
If more than one session variable should be updated, repeat the value configuration above for each of the session variables, using a dash as separator. For example:
SET|Variable|VarName1|Value 1|SetTrigger=ValueChanged-SET|Variable|VarName2|Value 2|SetTrigger=ValueChanged-...-SET|Variable|VarNameX|Value X|SetTrigger=ValueChanged
If you wish to use a different separator than a dash, add the [sep:XY] option at the beginning of the shape data. For example:
[sep:-*]SET|Variable|VarName1|Value 1|SetTrigger=ValueChanged*SET|Variable|VarName2|Value 2|SetTrigger=ValueChanged*...*SET|Variable|VarNameX|Value X|SetTrigger=ValueChanged
See also: About using separator characters
If you want the set commands in the Execute field to be performed each time the card is opened, add a page-level shape data field of type Options, and set its value to “ExecuteSetsOnInit”.
Set|Variable|DestVar2|Values: [var:V3], [var:V4], [var:V5]|SetTrigger=ValueChanged