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Creating a text block control

It is possible to display a block of text in Visual Overview like a regular Cube text block control, with the default Cube font and font size.

  • To do so, to the shape containing the text, add the shape data field Options, and set it to Control=TextBlock.

    Shape data field Value
    Options Control=Textblock
  • To also specify the behavior of the text block scrollbars, add the HorizontalScrollbarVisibility= and VerticalScrollbarVisibility= options to the Options shape data field:

    Shape data field Value
    Options Control=Textblock|

    HorizontalScrollbarVisibility and VerticalScrollbarVisibility can be set to the following values:

    • Auto: A scrollbar is displayed when the text block cannot display all the content.

    • Visible: The scrollbar is always displayed.

    • Hidden: The scrollbar is never displayed, but the content is allowed to scroll.

    • Disabled: The scrollbar is never displayed and scrolling is not possible.