Table of Contents

Looking up an item in the Catalog

When you open up the Catalog, a search box is displayed.

  1. In the search box, you can enter:

    • (Part of) the name of the item you are looking for (e.g. a connector, a package, etc.).

    • (Part of) a tag given to the item you are looking for (e.g. Master Clock System, Element Manager, etc.).

    As you type, a list with the top 5 results will be displayed under the search box.

  2. If you cannot find the item you are looking for in the list, click View all results at the bottom of the list to open the browse page.

    This page contains all search results, and has filters on the left that allow you to narrow down your search.

    If you only want to see the items that have been registered by your organization, you can use the All/Public/Private filter:

    • All: This will return search results from all items in the Catalog that you have access to. This includes the private items that are only visible to people in your organization.
    • Public: This will only return results that are publicly available to everyone.
    • Private: This will only return results from the private items that are only visible to people in your organization.
  3. If you see the item you are looking for, click it to open a page where you can see information about that item and its versions.

    From here, you can also deploy the item to your DataMiner System.