Interacting with Resource Manager
The ResourceManagerHelper class can be used in code to interact with Resource and ReservationInstance (i.e. booking) objects. To instantiate a ResourceManagerHelper, a callback to SLNet needs to be provided:
// In an automation script
var helper = new ResourceManagerHelper(engine.SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage);
// In an ad hoc data source
var helper = new ResourceManagerHelper(gqiDms.SendMessages);
// In a connector QAction
var helper = new ResourceManagerHelper(protocol.SLNet.SendSingleResponseMessage);
Be careful when updating bookings in connectors. Depending on the scale of the SRM system, adding or updating bookings can take a while.
Reading resources and bookings
The ResourceManagerHelper provides methods to retrieve Resource and ReservationInstance (i.e. booking) objects in a filtered, sorted, and paged way.
Filters are constructed by concatenating together Exposers that specify the field you want to filter on.
- You will need to include the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages namespace to use the ResourceManagerHelper and ResourceExposers classes.
- The ReservationInstanceExposers, ServiceReservationInstanceExposers, and FunctionResourceExposers classes can be found in the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ResourceManager.Objects namespace.
- The namespace Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway contains the comparison methods (Contains, Equal, LessThan etc.).
Some examples:
// Filter that matches all ReservationInstances that have a name that contains 'satellite' and that use a specific service definition.
var reservationInstanceFilter = ReservationInstanceExposers.Name.Contains("satellite").AND(ServiceReservationInstanceExposers.ServiceDefinitionID.Equal(Guid.Parse("...")));
// Filter that matches all ReservationInstances overlapping with the time range between now and 3 hours from now.
var start = DateTime.UtcNow;
var end = start.AddHours(3);
var timeRangeFilter = ReservationInstanceExposers.Start.LessThan(end).AND(ReservationInstanceExposers.End.GreaterThan(start));
// Filter that matches all resources that have a name that contains 'Encoder' and are linked to a specific function.
var resourceFilter = ResourceExposers.Name.Contains("Encoder").AND(FunctionResourceExposers.FunctionGUID.Equal(Guid.Parse("...")));
On a DataMiner Agent that uses OpenSearch or Elasticsearch, there is a default limit of 1024 clauses in a query. This means that you can only concatenate a maximum of 1024 filters using an "OR" filter. If this limit is not sufficient, you can adjust it using the "indices.query.bool.max_clause_count" option in OpenSearch or Elasticsearch.
For STaaS, there is no such hard limit, but we do recommend keeping the queries short.
When you want to read multiple ReservationInstance or Resource objects using their IDs, it is more efficient to build one large OR filter and read them in a single call instead of retrieving them one by one. The Tools.RetrieveBigOrFilter() helper method is available for this:
Tools.RetrieveBigOrFilter(ids, id => ReservationInstanceExposers.ID.Equal(id), filter => helper.GetReservationInstances(filter))
The filter can be passed to the relevant helper method to retrieve the objects in a paged or non-paged way, and it can be combined with a sort operator to perform sorting on a database level.
Reading without paging
Reading in a non-paged way will return trace data if the user does not have the necessary permissions or if an unforeseen error occurs (for example when the database is not reachable). For more information on handling trace data, see Handling errors.
var resourceFilter = ResourceExposers.ID.Equal(Guid.Parse("39CA130D-082D-49F3-AB49-89A23ACA9270"));
var resources = helper.GetResources(resourceFilter);
// Get a resource pool by name. Exposers are not supported for resource pools.
var pool = new ResourcePool
Name = "Encoders"
var foundPool = helper.GetResourcePools(pool).FirstOrDefault();
if (foundPool == null)
// No pool found; handle appropriately.
// Get all resources in that pool.
var resourcesInPoolFilter = ResourceExposers.PoolGUIDs.Contains(foundPool.GUID);
resources = helper.GetResources(resourcesInPoolFilter);
var reservationInstanceFilter = ReservationInstanceExposers.ID.Equal(Guid.Parse("47BB3B98-6F94-49EE-B034-283A22AB634A"));
var reservationInstances = helper.GetReservationInstances(reservationInstanceFilter);
Reading with paging
- Reading in a paged way will throw a CrudFailedException if the user does not have the necessary permissions or if an unforeseen error occurs (for example when the database is not reachable). The CrudFailedException contains a TraceData property with more information about the error. For more information on handling trace data, see Handling errors.
- Retrieving resources using paging is supported from DataMiner version 10.4.9/10.5.0 onwards.
var resourceFilter = ResourceExposers.Name.Contains("encoder", caseSensitive: false);
var resourcePager = helper.PrepareResourcePaging(resourceFilter.ToQuery(), preferredPagingSize: 200);
while (resourcePager.MoveToNextPage())
var resources = resourcePager.GetCurrentPage();
// Do something with the resources on this page.
var reservationInstanceFilter = ReservationInstanceExposers.Name.Contains("Satellite", caseSensitive: false);
var reservationInstancePager = helper.PrepareReservationInstancePaging(reservationInstanceFilter.ToQuery(), preferredPagingSize: 200);
while (reservationInstancePager.MoveToNextPage())
var reservationInstances = reservationInstancePager.GetCurrentPage();
// Do something with the ReservationInstances on this page.
Reading with paging and sorting
// Retrieve all resources with custom property 'Location' equal to 'London' and sort them by name.
var resourceFilter = ResourceExposers.Properties.DictStringField("Location").Equal("London");
var resourcePager = helper.PrepareResourcePaging(resourceFilter.OrderBy(ResourceExposers.Name), preferredPagingSize: 200);
while (resourcePager.MoveToNextPage())
var resources = resourcePager.GetCurrentPage();
// Do something with the resources on this page.
var reservationInstanceFilter = ReservationInstanceExposers.Name.Contains("Satellite");
var reservationInstancePager = helper.PrepareReservationInstancePaging(reservationInstanceFilter.OrderBy(ReservationInstanceExposers.Name), preferredPagingSize: 200);
while (reservationInstancePager.MoveToNextPage())
var reservationInstances = reservationInstancePager.GetCurrentPage();
// Do something with the ReservationInstances on this page.
Getting available resources
The ResourceManagerHelper provides a GetEligibleResources method to retrieve the resources with certain capacities or capabilities that are available at a certain time. The EligibleResourceContext passed to this method contains a number of properties that can be used to fine-tune the filtering.
The most basic filter specifies the time range in which the resources need to be available:
// The timings in the context should be in UTC.
// The namespace 'Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Time' needs to be included to use 'TimeRangeUtc'
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var context = new EligibleResourceContext()
TimeRange = new TimeRangeUtc(now.AddHours(1), now.AddHours(4)),
A filter can be passed to only return resources that match certain criteria.
In this example, a filter is passed to only return resources that are part of a specific pool.
var poolGuid = Guid.Parse("...");
context.ResourceFilter = ResourceExposers.PoolGUIDs.Contains(poolGuid);
A list of capacities can be passed to only return resources that have the specified capacities available in the requested time range.
Multiple capacities can be added to the list. Only resources that have all capacities in the list available will be returned.
// The namespace 'Skyline.DataMiner.Net.SRM.Capacities' needs to be included to use 'MultiResourceCapacityUsage'
var bitrateProfileId = Guid.Parse("...");
var requestedCapacity = new MultiResourceCapacityUsage(bitrateProfileId, quantity: 100);
A list of capabilities can be passed to only return resources that have the specified capabilities.
Multiple capabilities can be added to the list. Only resources that have all capabilities in the list available will be returned.
// The namespace 'Skyline.DataMiner.Net.SRM.Capabilities' needs to be included to use 'ResourceCapabilityUsage'
var inputInterfaceProfileId = Guid.Parse("...");
var requestedCapability = new ResourceCapabilityUsage()
CapabilityProfileID = inputInterfaceProfileId,
RequiredDiscreet = "IP"
There is also the possibility to match resources that have one or more capabilities from a list of capabilities. In the example below, all resources that have either the HD or the UHD capability (or both) are requested.
var encodingQualityProfileId = Guid.Parse("...");
var requestedCapabilityHD = new ResourceCapabilityUsage()
CapabilityProfileID = encodingQualityProfileId,
RequiredDiscreet = "HD"
var requestedCapabilityUHD = new ResourceCapabilityUsage()
CapabilityProfileID = encodingQualityProfileId,
RequiredDiscreet = "UHD"
The ReservationIdToIgnore and NodeIdToIgnore properties can be used to exclude an already booked resource. If the TimeRange property was not set on the context, the timing of the ignored booking will also be used to calculate the available resources. This can be useful in scenarios where the available resources for a node you want to swap need to be calculated.
- These two properties always need to be used together, or not at all.
- Passing the ID of a booking that does not exist will result in a ReservationInstanceNotFound error in the trace data.
- Passing the ID of a node that does not exist in the booking will result in a ServiceNodeResourceUsageNotFound error in the trace data.
context.ReservationIdToIgnore = new ReservationInstanceID(Guid.Parse("..."));
context.NodeIdToIgnore = 2; // The NodeId is a property on the 'ServiceResourceUsageDefinition' and indicates which node of the ServiceDefinition this resource was assigned to.
You can skip filling in the LinkerTableEntries property of the resources. The default behavior of the call is to fill in these LinkerTableEntries. For performance reasons, we recommend setting this flag to false if the script logic does not require the LinkerTableEntries.
context.FillLinkerTableEntries = false;
By default, the result will only contain information about the usage of the requested capacities and capabilities. It is possible to request the calculation of all capacities and capabilities of the resources.
We do not recommend setting these flags to true unless the script logic requires it, as this has an impact on the performance.
context.CalculateAllCapacities = true;
context.CalculateAllCapabilities = true;
The result of the call will contain all the resources that match the criteria of the context, as well as details about the usage of those resources in the requested time range.
var result = helper.GetEligibleResources(context);
var resources = result.EligibleResources;
var usageDetailsByResourceId = result.UsageDetails.ToDictionary(u => u.ResourceId);
var logString = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (!usageDetailsByResourceId.TryGetValue(resource.ID, out var usageDetails))
// This should not ever happen
logString.AppendLine($"Usage details for resource '{resource.Name}' ({resource.ID}):");
logString.AppendLine($"\tConcurrency left: {usageDetails.ConcurrencyLeft}");
foreach (var capacityUsage in usageDetails.CapacityUsageDetails)
logString.AppendLine($"\tCapacity left for capacity with ID '{capacityUsage.CapacityParameterId}': {capacityUsage.CapacityLeft}");
foreach (var capabilityUsage in usageDetails.CapabilityUsageDetails)
// 'HasExistingBookings' will be 'null' if the capability is not time-dynamic.
// Capabilities that are not time-dynamic capabilities are available regardless of the fact if there are bookings or not.
logString.Append($"\tCapability '{capabilityUsage.CapabilityParameterId}': Is time-dynamic: {capabilityUsage.HasExistingBookings.HasValue}");
foreach (var oneBookedCapability in capabilityUsage.BookedCapabilities)
// We log the 'RequiredString' in this case, the filled in property will depend on the type of capability (string, discreet or rangepoint)
logString.AppendLine($"\t\tBooked {oneBookedCapability.BookedTimeRange} with value '{oneBookedCapability.Value.RequiredString}'");
// Example value for 'logString.ToString()':
// Usage details for resource 'Encoder A' (c89d58c6-7173-4f08-b067-f27aa486e2ef):
// Concurrency left: 9
// Capacity left for capacity with ID '0ec82fec-2c43-46af-ab73-fb4d478e95ea': 50,0
// Capability 'e97b58ce-90b8-459c-8894-d39b8ccd8a4e': Is time-dynamic: true.
// Booked From 2024-09-17T14:25:33.879 UTC to 2024-09-17T17:25:33.879 UTC spans 3h with value 'Example value'
It is possible to pass multiple EligibleResourceContext instances in one call, which will result in better performance than when these calls are done separately. The helper will return a list of results, which can be matched by ContextId.
var contextOne = new EligibleResourceContext();
var contextTwo = new EligibleResourceContext();
var results = helper.GetEligibleResources(new List<EligibleResourceContext>() { contextOne, contextTwo });
var resultsByContextId = results.ToDictionary(r => r.ForContextId);
var resultForContextOne = resultsByContextId.TryGetValue(contextOne.ContextId, out var resultOne) ? resultOne : null;
if (resultForContextOne == null)
// Check the trace data of the call. Something might have gone wrong.
var resultForContextTwo = resultsByContextId.TryGetValue(contextTwo.ContextId, out var resultTwo) ? resultTwo : null;
if (resultForContextTwo == null)
// Check the trace data of the call. Something might have gone wrong.
Handling errors
If a call fails, the helper will not throw an exception. Trace data will be available on the helper instead. The trace data can be retrieved with the GetTraceDataLastCall method:
var traceData = helper.GetTraceDataLastCall();
if (!traceData.HasSucceeded())
var resourceManagerErrors = traceData.GetErrorDataOfType<ResourceManagerErrorData>();
foreach (var error in resourceManagerErrors)
// Handle the error
When bookings are updated via the framework, a ResourceManagerTraceDataException will be thrown if trace data is returned when the ReservationInstance (i.e. booking) is updated. This exception has a property to access the full trace data, as well as a method to format some known errors. When you use the framework, we highly recommend using the framework methods to update ReservationInstances.
catch (ResourceManagerTraceDataException traceDataException)
var traceData = traceDataException.TraceData;
var errors = traceDataException.BuildErrors();
var errorString = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, errors);
The ResourceManagerErrorData has a Reason field, which gives more information about the reason for the failure. Below, you can find a table listing the different reasons that can be returned, together with the other properties that will be available in the error.
Errors when adding or updating resources
Error reason | Description | Available properties |
NotLicensed | The necessary licenses are missing. To create a resource, the ResourceManager license is required. To create a function resource, the ServiceManager license is required as well. | None. |
InitializeFunctionResourceFailed | Occurs when a function resource could not be initialized. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource that failed to initialize. InitializeFunctionResourceResult contains a more detailed reason. See Possible values. |
ResourceDeleteFailed | Deleting the resources failed. | UsingIds contains the IDs of the resources that could not be deleted. |
ResourceInvalidPropertyName | The resource has two or more properties with the same name, which is not valid. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. |
ResourcePoolNotExists | The resource refers to a resource pool that does not exist. | SubjectId contains the ID of the pool that does not exist. |
ResourceDeleteInUseOrMaintenanceMode | The resource cannot be deleted because it is in use or in maintenance mode. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. FutureOrOngoingReservationIds contains the IDs of the future or ongoing ReservationInstances that use the given resource. HasPastBookings indicates if the resource that failed to be deleted has bookings in the past. |
InvalidCharactersInPropertyNames | The custom properties of the resource contains some characters that are invalid (see Restrictions on property names). | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. PropertyNames contains the invalid property names. |
ResourceCapabilityInvalid | The resource has a capability assigned without a value. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. ResourceCapability contains the invalid capability. |
ResourceCapacityInvalid | The resource has a capacity assigned without a value. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. ResourceCapacity contains the invalid capability. |
ResourceUpdateCausedReservationsToGoToQuarantine | The resource cannot be updated because some ReservationInstances would be moved to quarantine. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. ConflictInformation contains the ReservationInstances with their usage that would be moved to quarantine. |
ModuleNotInitialized | The Resource Manager is not initialized yet; the request cannot be handled. | None |
UnknownError | An unexpected error happened. | Message could contain more information. |
NotAllowed | The user does not have the necessary permissions to create, read, update, or delete the resource. | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource. Message will contain more details. |
MainElementNotReachable | When deleting a resource, the record in the [Generic DVE Table] of the parent element could not be deleted. This is not possible if the element is not reachable (e.g. the element is stopped). | SubjectId contains the ID of the resource that cannot be deleted. ElementID contains the ID of the main element of the resource. |
Possible values for the InitializeFunctionResourceResult property
The following table contains possible values for the InitializeFunctionResourceResult field when the error InitializeFunctionResourceFailed is returned.
Reason | Description |
Error | A general error, without more information. |
MaxAmountOfInstancesReached | The function definition of the resource has reached its maximum instances. |
DVEDataNotAvailable | Fetching the necessary DVE data from the parent element for initializing the resource failed. |
FunctionDefinitionNotFound | The function definition this resource is linked to could not be found. |
InvalidParentElementState | The parent element linked to this resource is not in a valid state (hidden, active, masked, or paused). |
ElementHasDifferentParentThanFunctionResource | The parent element configured on the resource and the DVE parent configured on the element are different. |
InvalidDveState | The parent element configured on the resource is not in a valid state (hidden, active, masked, or paused). |
DuplicateFunctionName | The function name of the resource is already in use by a different resource on the same parent element. |
Errors when adding or updating bookings
Error reason | Description | Available properties |
NotLicensed | The necessary licenses are missing. To add or update a ReservationInstance (i.e. booking), the ResourceManager and ServiceManager licenses are required. | None. |
ResourceDoesNotExist | The ReservationInstance uses a resource that does not exist in the system. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. ResourceId contains the ID of the missing resource. |
ConcurrentLicense | Adding or updating the ReservationInstance is not possible because this would exceed the maximum number of concurrent bookings defined in the license. | UsingIdsWithNames contains the IDs of the ReservationInstances that could not be added. Message contains more information. |
ReservationInstanceInvalidFunctionResources | The ReservationInstance cannot be set to mode Confirmed because one or more resources are used where the linked function is not active or does not exist. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. UsingIds contains the IDs of the function definitions or system function definitions that are not active or do not exist. |
ResourceNotAvailable | A resource assigned to the ReservationInstance is not available. Its mode is set to either Maintenance, Undefined, or Unavailable. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. ResourceId contains the ID of the unavailable resource. |
ReservationInstanceNotValid | One or more fields of the ReservationInstance are not valid. The ReservationInstance has the status Undefined, or there are custom properties with invalid characters (see Restrictions on property names). |
SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. |
HostingAgentNotRunning | The hosting Agent of the ReservationInstance is not running, which is needed to add, edit, or delete a booking hosted on that Agent. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. |
ServiceWithSameNameAlreadyPlanned | The ServiceReservationInstance cannot be saved because a ServiceReservationInstance with the same name that overlaps is already planned. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ServiceReservationInstance with the conflict. UsingIdsWithNames contains the ID and name of the ServiceReservationInstances overlapping and using the same name. |
ServiceWithSameServiceIdAlreadyPlanned | The ServiceReservationInstance cannot be saved because a ServiceReservationInstance with the same service ID that overlaps is already planned. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ServiceReservationInstance with the conflict. UsingIdsWithNames contains the ID and name of the ServiceReservationInstances overlapping and using the same service ID. |
ResourceCapabilityInvalid | The ReservationInstance tries to book a capability that does not exist on the resource. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. ResourceId contains the ID of the resource being used. ResourceCapabilityUsage contains the invalid capability usage. |
ReservationUpdateCausedReservationsToGoToQuarantine | The ReservationInstance cannot be created or updated because some bookings would go into quarantine. | MustBeMovedToQuarantine contains the bookings and their usage that must be moved. |
ModuleNotInitialized | The ResourceManager is not initialized yet, the request cannot be handled. | None. |
UnknownError | An unexpected error happened. | Message could contain more information. |
NotAllowed | The user does not have the necessary permissions to create, read, update or delete the ReservationInstance. | SubjectId contains the ID of the ReservationInstance. Message will contain more details about the missing permission. |
ServiceDefinitionTypeDoesNotMatch | The ServiceDefinitionType of the ReservationInstance does not match with the type defined on the service definition. | ReservationInstanceType contains the type on the ReservationInstance. |
Restrictions on property names
Because custom properties of resources and bookings (i.e. ReservationInstances) are indexed in the database, some restrictions apply to the names of these properties. The following validation is done:
- Property names must not start with an underscore (
). - Property names must not contain a period (
), hashtag (#
), asterisk (*
), comma (,
), double quotation mark ("
), or single quotation mark ('
). - Property names must not be empty or contain only whitespace characters.
- Property values must not be null.