Table of Contents

Standard Data Model (SDM)

Several low-code apps available in the DataMiner Catalog, including all MediaOps applications, are built on the Standard Data Model (SDM). In this model, each object is described by a definition.

Definitions that are functionally related are grouped into modules to enhance data management, interoperability, and efficiency. Below, you can find an overview of the different modules.


See also: Standard Data Model



Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Contract info
Name String The name of the contract. Read/Write Mandatory
Valid from DateTime The date and time when the contract will come into effect. Read/Write Mandatory
Valid until DateTime The date and time when the contract will expire. Read/Write Mandatory
Uplift (%) Double The amount (in percentage) by which the charged rates will be increased when calculating the bill. Read/Write Optional
Discount (%) Double The amount (in percentage) by which the calculated total amount will be reduced when producing the bill. Read/Write Optional
Currency Guid A reference to another DOM object representing the currency used by this contract. Read/Write Mandatory
Speed order billing
Hours before event start Double The amount of time during which the job is allowed to be confirmed and started before incurring higher fees. Read/Write Mandatory
Fixed fee Double The flat fee that is charged in case this speed order fee applies. Read/Write Mandatory
Increment on top of billing price (%) Double The percentage of the estimated total net amount to be added to the billing total in case this speed order fee applies. Read/Write Mandatory
Cancellation fee billing
Hours before event start Double The number of hours before the start of the job during which it can be canceled without incurring higher fees. Read/Write Mandatory
Fixed fee Double The flat fee that is charged in case this cancellation fee applies. Read/Write Mandatory
% of billing price Double The percentage of the estimated total net amount to be added to the billing total in case this cancellation fee applies. Read/Write Mandatory
Billing rate cards
Billing type GenericEnum`1 Determines whether this contract will bill based on workflow only, resource only, or both. Read/Write Mandatory
Default workflow ratecard Guid The unique identifier for another DOM object representing the default ratecard to be used for workflows. Read/Write Optional
Default resource ratecard Guid The unique identifier for another DOM object representing the default ratecard to be used for resources.. Read/Write Optional
Workflow specific billing ratecards
Ratecard Guid Read/Write Mandatory
Workflow Guid Read/Write Mandatory
Pool specific billing ratecards
Ratecard Guid Read/Write Mandatory
Resource Pool Guid Read/Write Mandatory
Resource specific billing ratecards
Ratecard Guid Read/Write Mandatory
Reource Guid Read/Write Mandatory
[Obsolete] Costing
Currency Guid Read/Write Mandatory

Cost Ratecards

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Ratecard info
Name String The name of this ratecard. Read/Write Mandatory
Ratecard currency Guid A unique identifier for another DOM object representing the currency to be used by this ratecard. Read/Write Mandatory
Ratecard details
Minimal time interval Double The minimum amount of time that will be charged, even if the job duration is shorter. Read/Write Mandatory
Minimal time interval unit GenericEnum`1 The unit of time that specifies the minimum time interval's numeric value. Read/Write Mandatory
Minimal time increment Double The increment of time in multiples of which the job duration will be charged if that duration extends beyond the minimum time interval. Read/Write Mandatory
Minimal time increment unit GenericEnum`1 The unit of time that specifies the minimum time increment's numeric value. Read/Write Mandatory
Capped rate per job Double The maximum amount that will ever be charged to a job node in case the real amount exceeds it. Read/Write Optional
Rate Double The amount to be charged for each unit of time that the node or workflow was in use. Read/Write Mandatory
Unit GenericEnum`1 The unit of time that qualifies the rate specified in the 'Rate' field. Read/Write Mandatory

Billing Ratecards

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Ratecard info
Name String The name of this ratecard. Read/Write Mandatory
Ratecard currency Guid A unique identifier for another DOM object representing the currency to be used by this ratecard. Read/Write Mandatory
Ratecard details
Minimal time interval Double The minimum amount of time that will be charged, even if the job duration is shorter. Read/Write Mandatory
Minimal time interval unit GenericEnum`1 The unit of time that specifies the minimum time interval's numeric value. Read/Write Mandatory
Minimal time increment Double The increment of time in multiples of which the job duration will be charged if that duration extends beyond the minimum time interval. Read/Write Mandatory
Minimal time increment unit GenericEnum`1 The unit of time that specifies the minimum time increment's numeric value. Read/Write Mandatory
Capped rate per job Double The maximum amount that will ever be charged to a job node in case the real amount exceeds it. Read/Write Optional
Rate Double The amount to be charged for each unit of time that the node or workflow was in use. Read/Write Mandatory
Unit GenericEnum`1 The unit of time that qualifies the rate specified in the 'Rate' field. Read/Write Mandatory

App Data

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
App data currencies
Nominal Currency GenericEnum`1 Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Currency GenericEnum`1 The currency ISO code. Read Mandatory
Rate to nominal Double The conversion rate against the currency set as nominal. Read/Write Mandatory
Tag String The currency ISO Code in its string format. Read/Write Optional



Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Transponder Guid A link to the Satellite DOM instance to which this slot belongs. Read/Write Mandatory
Transponder Plan Guid A link to the DOM instance that represents to which Beam the transponder belongs. Read/Write Mandatory
Slot name String A system name for the generated Slot. Read Optional
Slot size String Shows the size of the slot as generated by the Transponder Plan.  Read Optional
Center frequency String Indicates the starting frequency value of this transponder. Read Optional
Slot start frequency String The frequency at which this slot starts. Read Optional
Slot end frequency String The frequency at which this slot ends. Read Optional
Resource Guid A link to the Resource DOM instance that was created for this Slot. Read Optional

Transponder Plans

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Transponder plan
Plan name String A meaningful name for this plan, such as 'Standard C Band 36MHz'. Read/Write Mandatory
Applied transponder IDs String Stores a CSV value. Read/Write Mandatory
Slot definition
Definition Slot name String A name for this slot definition. Read/Write Mandatory
Definition Slot size Double Defines the size of the slot to be created. For example, if the slot size is 9 MHz and this plan is applied to a full transponder, four 9 MHz slots will be created. Read/Write Optional
Relative start frequency Double This value provides an offset from the transponder's start frequency for slot generation. For example, to create slots only in the bottom half of a 36 MHz transponder, the relative start frequency would be 18. Read/Write Mandatory
Relative end frequency Double Similar to the relative start frequency, this value provides an offset from the transponder's end frequency at which slot generation stops. For example, if the relative start frequency is 0 and the relative end frequency is 18, slots will only be created for the first 18 units of the transponder. Read/Write Mandatory


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Beam name String A descriptive name for the beam, e.g. AMC 11 – C Band Americas. Read/Write Optional
Beam Satellite Guid A link to the Satellite DOM instance for this beam. Read/Write Mandatory
Link type GenericEnum`1 An enumeration that describes if this is a 'Feeder' or 'User' type. Read/Write Optional
Transmission type GenericEnum`1 Describes if this beam is a 'Transmit', 'Receive' or 'Carrier in Carrier' type beam. Read/Write Optional
Footprint file String Stores the KML file used to visualize the beam on a map. Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Transponder Satellite Guid A link to the Satellite DOM instance for this Transponder. Read/Write Mandatory
Beam Guid A link to the DOM instance that represents to which Beam the transponder belongs. Read/Write Optional
Transponder name String The name of the transponder, e.g. Galaxy 19 T01. Read/Write Mandatory
Band GenericEnum`1 Indicates what band the Transponder operates on, such as C Band or Ku Band. Read/Write Optional
Bandwidth Double Describes how much bandwidth is available on the transponder. Read/Write Optional
Start frequency Double Indicates the starting frequency value of this transponder. Read/Write Mandatory
Stop frequency Double Indicates the ending frequency of this transponder. Read/Write Optional
Polarization GenericEnum`1 Describes the polarization of this transponder. Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Satellite name String The full name of the satellite, which will be the primary reference throughout the application. Read/Write Mandatory
Satellite abbreviation String A short abbreviation (3-5 characters are suggested) that will be used to reference this satellite when a shorter name is needed, such as when building slot names. For example, Galaxy 19 might be shortened to G19 or GAL19. Read/Write Mandatory
Orbit GenericEnum`1 An enumeration describing the type of orbit the satellite uses. Read/Write Optional
Hemisphere GenericEnum`1 Indicates which hemisphere the satellite is in. Read/Write Optional
Longitude for GEO (degrees) Double The satellite’s position in the Geostationary orbit. Read/Write Optional
Inclination (degrees) Double The angle of the satellite’s orbital plan and the plane of the equator. Read/Write Optional
Operator String The company that operates the satellite. Read/Write Optional
Coverage String A description of the satellite’s coverage area. Read/Write Optional
Applications String Describes the general application of this satellite. Read/Write Optional
Info String Other information relevant to the satellite. Read/Write Optional
Manufacturer String The name of the manufacturer of the satellite. Read/Write Optional
Country String The satellite's country of origin. Read/Write Optional
Launch information
Launch info String Information related to the launch of the satellite, such as the vehicle or flight number. Read/Write Optional
Launch in service date DateTime The date the satellite was put into service. Read/Write Optional



Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Experience information
Experience String For example, Junior, Senior, Manager, etc. Read/Write Mandatory


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Category information
Category String For example, Software Company, Social Media, Production Studio, etc. Read/Write Mandatory


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Role information
Role String The role a contact assumes when assigned to a team. Read/Write Mandatory


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
People information
Full name String This contact's full name. Read/Write Mandatory
Experience level Guid For example, Junior, Senior, Manager, etc. Read/Write Mandatory
Profile Image String Read/Write Optional
Personal skills String For example, Producer, Director, Video Editor, Audio Mixer, etc. Read/Write Mandatory
Contact info
Email String This contact's email address. Read/Write Mandatory
Phone String This contact's phone number. Read/Write Mandatory
Street address String This contact's current street address of residence. Read/Write Mandatory
City String This contact's current city of residence. Read/Write Mandatory
Country GenericEnum`1 This contact's current country of residence. Read/Write Mandatory
ZIP String This contact's current ZIP code. Read/Write Mandatory
Organization Guid This contact's current organization. Read/Write Optional
Team Guid This contact's team membership. Read/Write Optional
Team role Guid This contact's current role in the specified team. Read/Write Optional
Linked resource Guid Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Team information
Team name String This team's name. Read/Write Mandatory
Team email String This team's email address. Read/Write Optional
Team description String A description of the team's functions and responsibilities. Read/Write Optional
Bookable Boolean Indicates whether this team's time can be booked and scheduled. Read/Write Optional
Icon String Read/Write Optional
Team expertise(s) String For example, Video Editing, Audio Mixing, Contribution, OTT, etc. Read/Write Mandatory
Resource pool
Linked Resource Pool Guid Read/Write Optional
Create MS teams channel Boolean Read/Write Optional
Create MS team Boolean Read/Write Optional
MS team name String Read/Write Optional
Channel id String Read/Write Optional
Team id String Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Organization information
Organization name String The name of this organization. Read/Write Mandatory
Category Guid For example, Software Company, Social Media, Production Studio, etc. Read/Write Mandatory
Icon String The relative qualified path to the organization's icon. This is a backend field descriptor. Read/Write Optional
Contract Guid Read/Write Optional


App settings

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Job settings
Job ID prefix String The prefix is a string that will be prepended to each Job ID. Read/Write Optional
Job ID minimum digits Int64 Defines the minimum number of digits in the auto-generated value, which must be between 1 and 20. Read/Write Optional
Job ID starting seed Int64 Provides the "starting seed" when first configuring the job IDs. Read/Write Optional
Job ID increment Int64 An integer defining the increment by which the auto-generated ID increases. Read/Write Optional
Job ID next sequence Int64 Read/Write Optional

Session data

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Session data user
user String Read/Write Optional
Session data store
Job Id String Read/Write Optional
Session filter
Filter Type GenericEnum`1 Read/Write Optional
Filter Key String The GUID of the DOM instance representing the key being filtered. Read/Write Optional
Filter Values String Values to filter on (a comma-separated list of DOM GUIDs). Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Job info
Job ID String A human-readable ID for a job, auto-generated for each job instance in a specific format, e.g. SLC_0001. Read/Write Optional
Job name String A short name for the job. Read/Write Mandatory
Job description String A description of the workflow, including its purpose, steps, and functionality. Read/Write Optional
Workflow Guid If the job was created starting from a workflow, this field links to that workflow object. Read Optional
Job start DateTime The time the job starts. Read/Write Mandatory
Job end DateTime The time the job ends. Read/Write Mandatory
Approx out duration TimeSpan Read/Write Optional
Approx out time DateTime An optional time that may be used at the end of a job if it exceeds the scheduled end time. Read/Write Optional
Job priority GenericEnum`1 Describes the relative importance of the job. Read/Write Mandatory
Recurrence Guid If the job is part of a recurrence, this field links to that specific recurrence. Read/Write Optional
Job source String Tracks the source of a job, with potential values including user, API, element, etc. Read Optional
Job notes String A general note field for job-related communication. Read/Write Optional
Original job start DateTime The start date/time of the job at the time of job confirmation. Read/Write Optional
Original job end DateTime The end date/time of the job at the time of job confirmation. Read/Write Optional
Job confirmation DateTime The date/time the job was confirmed. Read/Write Optional
Job cancellation DateTime The date/time the job was canceled. Read/Write Optional
Action status GenericEnum`1 Indicates if the job still needs manual resource selection. Read/Write Optional
Action needed Boolean Read/Write Optional
Locked by String Indicates who locked this job. Read/Write Optional
Monitoring settings
At job start GenericEnum`1 Determines whether and when a service will be created for this workflow. Read/Write Optional
At job end GenericEnum`1 Determines whether and when a service will be deleted for this workflow. Read/Write Optional
Monitoring service template String The name of the service template, which will be used to create a service when the workflow is run. Read/Write Optional
Monitoring service ID String The ID of the service associated to this job. Read Optional
Job execution
Job execution script String A script that will run when the job starts. Read/Write Optional
Job configuration Guid Read/Write Optional
Job configuration status GenericEnum`1 Read/Write Optional
Node ID String An auto-assigned value representing the ID of this node within the job. Read/Write Optional
Node alias String Allows the user to provide a more user-friendly name for the node. Read/Write Optional
Node type GenericEnum`1 Specifies the category or function of a node within a job. Read/Write Optional
Node reference ID String The DOM GUID of the resource, resource pool, or other entity that this node represents. Read/Write Optional
Node parent reference ID String The DOM GUID of the parent resource, resource pool, or other entity that this node represents. Read/Write Optional
Node icon String The name of the icon that will be used for the workflow visualization. Read/Write Optional
Automatic configuration? Boolean Indicates if the node needs to be configured when the job is run. Read/Write Optional
Configuration parameters String A JSON object defining a list of configuration parameters and values for elements and virtual functions for user configuration. Read/Write Optional
Ad-hoc control script String An Automation script name that will be executed to configure this node. Read/Write Optional
Node configuration execution order Int64 Indicates the order in which the nodes will be configured. Read/Write Optional
Reserve node? Boolean If checked, a booking will be created for this node to ensure resource availability. Leave unchecked if the node does not require a booking. Read/Write Optional
Hidden? Boolean When marked TRUE, this node will be reserved as part of the booking but will not be displayed in the job or included in the calculation of rates or costs. Read Mandatory
Node start time DateTime If different from the Job Start time, this indicates when the resource started being used. Read/Write Optional
Node end time DateTime "If different from the Job End time, this indicates when the resource finished being used. Read/Write Optional
Linked booking IDs String If the node resource has an associated SRM booking, this field stores the corresponding booking ID from SRM. Read Optional
Resource select mode GenericEnum`1 Indicates how and when the resource assignment is expected to be made. Read/Write Optional
Resource select state GenericEnum`1 Indicates the current state of the resource selection process. Read/Write Optional
Billable? Boolean Read/Write Optional
Node configuration Guid Read/Write Optional
Node configuration status GenericEnum`1 Read/Write Optional
Connection ID String An auto-assigned value representing the ID of this edge within the workflow. Read/Write Optional
Source node ID String The ID of the node that is the source of this connection. Read/Write Optional
Destination node ID String The ID of the node that is the destination of this connection. Read/Write Optional
Connection alias String An optional user-friendly name for the connection. Read/Write Optional
Connection execution order Int64 Indicates the order in which the connections will be made. Read/Write Optional
Connection type GenericEnum`1 Defines whether this connection is based on the levels or tags of its source and destination. Read/Write Optional
Connection subtype GenericEnum`1 Further specifies how the connection will be made. 'All': All matching levels or tags between the source and destination nodes will be connected. 'Predefined subset': Only valid for level-based connections. Only a predefined subset of matching levels between the source and destination nodes will be connected, for example, all audio levels. 'Custom subset': A freely defined subset of matching levels or tags will be connected, for example, level three to five. 'Shuffle': Levels or tags can be freely mapped from source to destination. Read/Write Optional
Predefined subset GenericEnum`1 In the case of a level-based connection of subtype 'predefined subset,' this indicates the subset of levels to be used. This subset is a combination of all video levels ('V'), all audio levels ('A'), and/or all data levels ('D'). Read/Write Optional
Connection details String For 'custom subset' or 'shuffle' connections, this field contains the exact mapping of levels or tags between the source and destination. Read/Write Optional
Connection execution script String Optionally specifies a script to be used when setting up this connection during the execution of the workflow or job. Read/Write Optional
Costing and billing
Organization Guid The organization that owns this job or for which the job is being performed. The organization determines which contacts and contracts can be assigned to the job. Read/Write Optional
Job owner Guid The main contact for this job. Read/Write Optional
Additional contacts List`1 Contacts associated with this particular job. Read/Write Optional
Contract Guid Indicates the Contract used to calculate the Billing Rates and Costs for the Job. Read/Write Optional
Job status String The status of the job when cost or billing calculation started. Read/Write Optional
Contract uplift (%) Double Tracks the percentage by which a job's rate will be increased, if any. Read Optional
Contract discount (%) Double Tracks the percentage by which the job is discounted, if any. Read Optional
Speed order increment on top of billing price (%) Double The percentage added to the billing price if the job starts earlier than scheduled. Read/Write Optional
Speed order fixed fee Double If a job starts earlier than scheduled, a fixed fee will be added to the existing percentage fee calculated on the total billing price. Read/Write Optional
Cancellation % of billing price Double Percentage of the billing price to be charged due to job cancellation. Read/Write Optional
Cancellation fixed fee String If a job was canceled, a fixed fee will be added to the existing percentage fee calculated on the total billing price. Read/Write Optional
Last bill calculation DateTime The date and time of the last calculation of costs and pricing. Read Mandatory
Total bill net amount Double The total bill amount after fees. Read/Write Optional
Total bill net override amount Double An override value for the total bill net amount. Read/Write Optional
Bill currency Guid The currency used for rate calculations. By default, the job's currency is set by the selected contract. READ ONLY. Read/Write Optional
Costing and billing details
Line item type GenericEnum`1 Determines whether this record is a billing or costing record. Read/Write Optional
Object type GenericEnum`1 The type of object for which cost or billing is being calculated (node or workflow). Read/Write Optional
Object ID String Captures the object ID for which the cost & billing apply. Depending on the object type, this can be the ID of either a workflow or a node. Read Optional
Description String A system field describing the cost and billing entry, such as the name of the node or the workflow that generated it. Read Optional
Rate card Guid The rate card associated with the node or workflow used to calculate the total amount. Read Optional
Total net override amount Double Allows a user override for the total net amount and is the value used by the system to calculate the job's total rate. Read/Write Optional
Currency Guid The currency in which the total net amount or its override will be expressed. When billing, this currency is derived from the contract. When calculating cost, this currency is derived from the rate card in use. Read/Write Optional
Rates List`1 The rates used to charge the current workflow or node, including the total amount and total net amount after discounts. Read/Write Optional
Node relationships
Parent node ID String Read/Write Optional
Child node ID String Read/Write Optional
Relationship action Guid Read/Write Optional
Error Code String The code of the error, which has to be unique for the linked object Read/Write Mandatory
Error Message String The message explaining why the error was raised Read/Write Mandatory

Job node relationship actions

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Job node relationship general actions
Booking action GenericEnum`1 Action taken when a node is added to a job. Read/Write Mandatory
Delete action GenericEnum`1 Action taken when a node is removed from a job. Read/Write Mandatory
Job node relationship replace actions
Replace action GenericEnum`1 Action taken when a node is replaced in a job. Read/Write Mandatory
Execute pool links Boolean Defines whether to apply pool links (if available) during a replace action. Read/Write Optional
Execute booking extension script Boolean Defines whether to execute booking extension scripts (if available) during a replace action. Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Workflow info
Workflow name String A short name for the workflow. Read/Write Mandatory
Workflow description String A description of the workflow, which can include its purpose, steps, and functionality. Read/Write Optional
Favorite Boolean Flag that indicates whether this workflow is a favorite. Read/Write Optional
Priority GenericEnum`1 Describes the relative importance of the workflow. Read/Write Mandatory
Workflow execution
Workflow execution script String Specifies a script to be triggered when this workflow is executed (optional). Read/Write Optional
Workflow configuration Guid Read/Write Optional
Monitoring settings
At job start GenericEnum`1 Determines whether and when a service will be created for this workflow. Read/Write Optional
At job end GenericEnum`1 Determines whether and when a service will be deleted for this workflow. Read/Write Optional
Monitoring service template String The name of the service template, which will be used to create a service when the workflow is run. Read/Write Optional
Monitoring service ID String The ID of the service associated to this job. Read Optional
Node ID String An auto-assigned value representing the ID of this node within the job. Read/Write Optional
Node alias String Allows the user to provide a more user-friendly name for the node. Read/Write Optional
Node type GenericEnum`1 Specifies the category or function of a node within a job. Read/Write Optional
Node reference ID String The DOM GUID of the resource, resource pool, or other entity that this node represents. Read/Write Optional
Node parent reference ID String The DOM GUID of the parent resource, resource pool, or other entity that this node represents. Read/Write Optional
Node icon String The name of the icon that will be used for the workflow visualization. Read/Write Optional
Automatic configuration? Boolean Indicates if the node needs to be configured when the job is run. Read/Write Optional
Configuration parameters String A JSON object defining a list of configuration parameters and values for elements and virtual functions for user configuration. Read/Write Optional
Ad-hoc control script String An Automation script name that will be executed to configure this node. Read/Write Optional
Node configuration execution order Int64 Indicates the order in which the nodes will be configured. Read/Write Optional
Reserve node? Boolean If checked, a booking will be created for this node to ensure resource availability. Leave unchecked if the node does not require a booking. Read/Write Optional
Hidden? Boolean When marked TRUE, this node will be reserved as part of the booking but will not be displayed in the job or included in the calculation of rates or costs. Read Mandatory
Node start time DateTime If different from the Job Start time, this indicates when the resource started being used. Read/Write Optional
Node end time DateTime "If different from the Job End time, this indicates when the resource finished being used. Read/Write Optional
Linked booking IDs String If the node resource has an associated SRM booking, this field stores the corresponding booking ID from SRM. Read Optional
Resource select mode GenericEnum`1 Indicates how and when the resource assignment is expected to be made. Read/Write Optional
Resource select state GenericEnum`1 Indicates the current state of the resource selection process. Read/Write Optional
Billable? Boolean Read/Write Optional
Node configuration Guid Read/Write Optional
Node configuration status GenericEnum`1 Read/Write Optional
Connection ID String An auto-assigned value representing the ID of this edge within the workflow. Read/Write Optional
Source node ID String The ID of the node that is the source of this connection. Read/Write Optional
Destination node ID String The ID of the node that is the destination of this connection. Read/Write Optional
Connection alias String An optional user-friendly name for the connection. Read/Write Optional
Connection execution order Int64 Indicates the order in which the connections will be made. Read/Write Optional
Connection type GenericEnum`1 Defines whether this connection is based on the levels or tags of its source and destination. Read/Write Optional
Connection subtype GenericEnum`1 Further specifies how the connection will be made. 'All': All matching levels or tags between the source and destination nodes will be connected. 'Predefined subset': Only valid for level-based connections. Only a predefined subset of matching levels between the source and destination nodes will be connected, for example, all audio levels. 'Custom subset': A freely defined subset of matching levels or tags will be connected, for example, level three to five. 'Shuffle': Levels or tags can be freely mapped from source to destination. Read/Write Optional
Predefined subset GenericEnum`1 In the case of a level-based connection of subtype 'predefined subset,' this indicates the subset of levels to be used. This subset is a combination of all video levels ('V'), all audio levels ('A'), and/or all data levels ('D'). Read/Write Optional
Connection details String For 'custom subset' or 'shuffle' connections, this field contains the exact mapping of levels or tags between the source and destination. Read/Write Optional
Connection execution script String Optionally specifies a script to be used when setting up this connection during the execution of the workflow or job. Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Qty Int64 The quantity of units (expressed in Qty Type), e.g. 10 EUR per hour. Read/Write Mandatory
Qty type GenericEnum`1 Determines whether this rate is charged by the minute, hour, day, or per use. Read/Write Mandatory
Amount per unit Double The price per unit based on the quantity type, which can be minute, hour, day, or per use. Read/Write Optional
Total amount Double The quantity multiplied by the amount per unit, before applying any discounts. Read/Write Optional
Total net amount Double The total amount after applying the discount. Read/Write Optional

MCR cockpit

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
User String Read/Write Optional
End DateTime Read/Write Optional
Start DateTime Read/Write Optional
LastSet DateTime Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Recurrence details
Start time DateTime Read/Write Optional
End time DateTime Read/Write Optional
Type GenericEnum`1 Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Configuration info
Profile definition ID String Read/Write Optional
Preset ID String Read/Write Optional
Profile parameter values
Profile parameter ID String Read/Write Mandatory
String value String Read/Write Optional
Double value Double Read/Write Optional
Reference ID String Read/Write Optional



Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Level number Int64 Unique numerical identifier for a level. Read/Write Mandatory
Name String Read/Write Mandatory
TypeOld GenericEnum`1 Select a level type (Video, Audio, or Data). Read/Write Optional
Type List`1 Indicates whether this level is meant to carry a signal that includes video, audio, data, or a combination of these three. Read/Write Mandatory


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Name String Enter a name for your virtual signal group. Read/Write Mandatory
Description String Enter a description for your virtual signal group. Read/Write Optional
Role GenericEnum`1 Select whether this virtual signal group acts as a source or a destination. Read/Write Optional
Operational state GenericEnum`1 Indicate whether this virtual signal group is currently operational or not. Read/Write Optional
Administrative state GenericEnum`1 Indicate whether this virtual signal group can currently be used by operators or not. As long as the administrative state is set to 'Down', this virtual signal group will not appear in operator control panels. Read/Write Optional
Type Guid This virtual signal group type will define the behavior when connecting to this virtual signal group. Read/Write Optional
Locked by String Indicates who locked this virtual signal group. Read/Write Optional
UMD label String This label will be shown below monitor displays. Read/Write Optional
Button label String This shorter label will be shown on control panels because there is not enough room to display the entire name of the virtual signal group. Read/Write Optional
Flow level Guid Level on which this virtual signal group contains a sender or receiver. Read/Write Optional
Blue flow ID Guid ID of the flow senders or receivers assigned as 'blue' on this level. Read/Write Optional
Red flow ID Guid ID of the flow senders or receivers assigned as 'red' on this level. Read/Write Optional
Domains List`1 List of domains to which this virtual signal group belongs. Read/Write Optional
Domain IDs String Comma-separated string of domains to which this virtual signal group belongs. Read/Write Optional
Areas List`1 List of areas to which this virtual signal group belongs. Read/Write Optional
Area IDs String Comma-separated string of areas to which this virtual signal group belongs. Read/Write Optional

Workflow Mappings

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Name String Give a name to the workflow so you can easily identify it. Read/Write Mandatory
Workflow Guid Link to the workflow DOM instance. Read/Write Optional
Source type Guid Type of source virtual signal group that should trigger this workflow. Read/Write Mandatory
Destination type Guid Type of destination virtual signal group that should trigger this workflow. Read/Write Mandatory

Virtual Signal Group Types

Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Name String Name of this virtual signal group type. Read/Write Mandatory


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Name String Enter a name for this flow sender or flow receiver Read/Write Mandatory
Transport type GenericEnum`1 Select a transport technology type (e.g. IP, SDI, SRT, etc.). Read/Write Optional
Operational state GenericEnum`1 Indicate whether this flow is currently operational or not. Read/Write Optional
Administrative state GenericEnum`1 Indicate whether this flow can currently be used by operators or not. Read/Write Optional
Element String Specify the element on which this flow sender/receiver is present. Read/Write Optional
Interface String Optionally specify the interface on which this flow sender/receiver is present on the element (DCF Interface ID). Read/Write Optional
Interface name String Specify the interface name of the element on which this flow originates/is received (optional). Read/Write Optional
Sub interface String Identifier of the row in the parameter table where this sender/receiver can be found. For example, specify the ID of the NMOS sender/receiver for flows on NMOS IS-05 elements. Read/Write Optional
Resource Guid Read/Write Optional
Source flow Guid Read/Write Optional
Path order Int64 Read/Write Optional
Flow direction GenericEnum`1 Indicate whether this flow is a sender (Tx) or receiver (Rx). Read/Write Optional
Source IP String Source IP address of this flow. Only applicable to IP flows; can be left empty for other flow types. Read/Write Optional
Destination IP String Destination IP address of this flow, typically a multicast address. Only applicable to IP flows; can be left empty for other flow types. Read/Write Optional
Destination port Int64 Destination port for this flow. Only applicable to IP flows; can be left empty for other flow types. Read/Write Optional
Bitrate (Mbps) Double Bitrate that must be transported over the media network for this flow. Only applicable to IP flows; can be left empty for other flow types. Read/Write Optional
CoS GenericEnum`1 Specify the service class for this flow. Read/Write Optional
SRT transport
SRT mode GenericEnum`1 Indicates the SRT mode of this senders/receiver (caller, listener, or rendezvous). Read/Write Optional
SRT listener IP String IP address of the listener. Read/Write Optional
SRT listener port Int64 Port on which a listener listens for a caller. Read/Write Optional
SRT source port Int64 Port used by the SRT source. Read/Write Optional
SRT destination port Int64 Port used by the SRT destination. Read/Write Optional
Linked Signal Group List`1 Read/Write Optional
Linked Signal Group IDs String Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Source Vsg String Read/Write Mandatory
Destination Vsg String Read/Write Mandatory
Lock Boolean Read/Write Optional
Comment String Read/Write Optional
Name String Read Mandatory
Path Order Int64 Read/Write Optional
From Vsg String Read/Write Mandatory
From Flow String Read/Write Mandatory
To Vsg String Read/Write Mandatory
To Flow String Read/Write Mandatory



Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Name String Area name. Read/Write Mandatory
Button label String This label will be used on control panels where there is insufficient room to display the full name of the area. Read/Write Optional
Administrative state GenericEnum`1 Indicates whether this area can currently be used by operators or not. As long as the admin state is set to 'Down', this area will not appear in operator control panels. Read/Write Optional
Domain IDs String Read/Write Optional
Domains List`1 Read/Write Optional


Field Name Type Description Access Constraints
Name String Domain name. Read/Write Mandatory
Button label String This label will be used on control panels where there is insufficient room to display the full name of the domain. Read/Write Optional
Administrative state GenericEnum`1 Indicates whether this domain can currently be used by operators or not. As long as the admin state is set to 'Down', this domain will not appear in operator control panels. Read/Write Optional
Area IDs String Read/Write Optional
Areas List`1 Read/Write Optional