Table of Contents

Chat collaboration

In DataMiner Cube, it is possible to exchange chat messages with other users of your DataMiner System.


All chat messages exchanged by DataMiner users are logged as information events. This means that they can be used to trigger e.g. Correlation rules.

Starting a chat session with a DataMiner user

  1. Click the user icon in the top-right corner of the Cube UI.

    A menu will open.

  2. In the menu, click X online contacts (X being the number of contacts that are currently online).

    A panel will be displayed next to the menu, listing the contacts that are currently online.

  3. In the list, double-click the user you want to chat with, or right-click the user and select Start chat session.

  4. In the box at the bottom of the panel, enter the chat message and press Enter or click Send.

Responding to a chat message sent by another user

If a DataMiner user sends you a chat message while the chat collaboration panel is not open, the user icon in the top-right corner of the Cube UI will blink to signal this.

To view the message and respond:

  1. Click the user icon in the top-right corner of the Cube UI.

    A menu will open.

  2. In the menu, click X online contacts (X being the number of contacts that are currently online).

    A panel will be displayed next to the menu, with a tab listing the online contacts and a tab with the username of the person who sent you a message.

  3. Click the tab with the username. The message that was sent to you will be displayed in the panel.

  4. In the box at the bottom of the panel, enter your reply and press Enter or click Send.