Element cards
On the left side of an element card, a collapsible card navigation pane provides access to the pages of the card. You can resize this pane by dragging its right edge.
The following pages are available:
Visual: One or more pages with a Visio-based visual overview of the element.
Data: One or more pages with parameters, as configured in the element protocol. The following icons provide access to additional functionality:
: Allows you to modify the value of a parameter. Obsolete from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards.
: Allows you to edit a parameter (from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards).
: Displays a histogram for a trended table parameter.
: From DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards: Allows you to access the trending page. Prior to DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0: Allows you to view additional information on a trended parameter. When you click the icon, the parameter description, the parameter ID, and the time of the last change to the parameter are displayed. Below this, the View trending option provides access to the trending page.
Alarms: Displays the active alarms for the element.
Reports: Displays a page where you can view several different reports related to the element.
Dashboards: Displays the legacy dashboards module.
The legacy Dashboards module is by default disabled from DataMiner 10.4.0/10.4.1 onwards. If you want to keep using this module, you need to enable it with the LegacyReportsAndDashboards soft-launch option. Prior to this, starting from DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.12, the legacy Dashboards module can optionally be disabled with this soft-launch option.
Notes: Allows you to add and view notes related to the element.
The header bar contains two buttons:
State: Allows you to change the element state (activate, pause, stop or restart)
Masking: Allows you to mask or unmask the element. If you mask the element, a pop-up window will appear in which you need to indicate whether the element should be masked until it is unmasked, masked until the alarm is cleared, or masked for a limited period of time. Optionally, you can also specify a comment.
Element cards can be opened from the navigation or recent items pane, or from the search. In addition, you can also navigate directly to an element using the following URL:
http(s)://<DMA IP>/monitoring/element/<DMA ID>/<element ID>/<element page>
The element page in this URL is optional; if it is not specified, the default page is displayed. The page should be specified in the following format: <data or visual>/<page name>.
For example: http://<DMA IP>/monitoring/element/67/4/data/Main