Table of Contents

The Monitoring app user interface

The Monitoring app is a web application featuring a user interface similar to that of DataMiner Cube.

The user interface consists of four main components:

Monitoring app UI
Monitoring app in DataMiner 10.4.4

The app allows you to monitor a DataMiner System from any modern browser. Depending on the size of the screen used to view the app, the app layout can be adjusted in order to allow optimal use of the available space.


If you use a DataMiner version prior to DataMiner 10.1.7, we strongly recommend using HTTPS when you use DataMiner client applications over public internet. If you do not do so, all information – including logon credentials – is sent as plain, unencrypted text over the internet. From DataMiner 10.1.7 onwards, client-server communication is encrypted by default. See also: Setting up HTTPS on a DMA.