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Factory reset tool

The factory reset tool SLReset.exe can be used by an administrator to fully reset a DataMiner Agent to its default state from immediately after installation.

From DataMiner 10.0.12 onwards, this tool is available on each DMA server in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\. It is not supported for older versions of DataMiner.


There is no automatic backup of the DMA before the factory reset is performed. Make sure you have taken any backups you need before you run this tool.

  • The factory reset will also remove all known users of the DataMiner System, so you will only be able to log in with the built-in Administrator account afterwards.
  • The factory reset tool will not modify settings related to the connection to This means that the DMA will still be connected to after you have executed the factory reset.

Optionally, you can run the tool with the –y input argument in order to skip prompts that ask you for permission to run specific actions.

From DataMiner 10.2.0/10.2.2 onwards, you can also run it with the -ho [hostname] argument to specify the hostname. This is especially useful when resetting a DataMiner Agent that only allows you to connect via HTTPS.


This tool will perform the following actions if the DMA that is being reset is running:

  • ResetFailoverOnline: Deletes the Failover configuration of the DMA if one is present.
  • ResetClusterOnline: Removes the DMA from the DMS if it is part of one.

It will always perform the following actions, regardless of whether the DMA is running:

  • StopTaskbarUtility

  • StopDataMiner

  • UndoIISConfig

  • UndoFirewallConfig

  • Unregister

  • UninstallEndpoints

  • DeleteTaskbarAppSettings

  • FileCleanup

    This action deletes any unnecessary files in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\. It uses a whitelist to determine which files to keep. When it is first executed, the default whitelist is added to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\ResetConfig.txt. Afterwards, you can add files you want to keep to this whitelist, so that these are not removed when the tool is executed again. If you delete ResetConfig.txt, the default whitelist will be used again.

  • ResetDataMinerXml

  • ResetNodeIdAndRestartModules (from DataMiner 10.4.5/10.5.0 onwards)

  • ResetNotifyMail

  • ResetDoNotRemoveFiles

  • ResetSLNetExeConfig

  • ResetProtocolsIconXml

  • ResetReportTemplatesXml

  • ResetWebpagesWebConfigs

  • DeleteExecutableEvents

  • DBReset

    This action runs the tool SLDataGateway.Tools.Database.exe, using input arguments harvested from DataMiner (DB.xml, credentials, etc.). For more information, see SLDataGateway.Tools.Database.exe below.

  • Register

  • DcomConfig

  • ConfigureServices

  • FirewallConfig

  • IISConfig

  • StartSLTaskbarUtility

  • StartDataMiner

  • Cleanclustereddatabases

    Available from DataMiner 10.1.0 [CU6]/10.1.9 onwards. Prior to DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU9]/10.2.12, this action will remove all keyspaces and indices from the Cassandra cluster and Elasticsearch databases. From DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU9]/10.2.12 onwards, this action will remove the tables, keyspaces, and indices defined in the DB.xml file from the databases (clusters as well as single-node Cassandra databases on remote machines).

  • DeleteAllDxmCustomAppSettings

    Available from DataMiner 10.4.7/10.5.0 onwards. This action removes the appsettings.custom.json file, which contains custom DxM settings that are preserved during a DxM upgrade. As a result, all custom DxM settings will be reset.

  • ResetCloudConnection

    Available from DataMiner 10.4.7/10.5.0 onwards. This action deletes the CloudGateway data folder that contains the identity and authentication tokens for connecting to Running this action disconnects the DataMiner Agent from, allowing you to set up a fresh connection to


SLDataGateway.Tools.Database.exe is a tool used by SLReset.exe in order to reset the database. This tool can also be run separately. It is located in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\x64\.

This tool can be run with the following arguments:

  • factory-reset: Mandatory argument. Specifies that a factory reset must be done.

  • -t <type> or –database-type <type>: Mandatory argument. Indicates the type of database:

    • SQL (i.e. MySQL)
    • Cassandra
    • Elastic (i.e. Elasticsearch)
  • -i <ip> or –ip <ip>: Mandatory argument. The IP address of the database host.

  • -u <username> or –username <username>: Username used for authentication. If no user credentials are specified, the following default credentials will be used:

    • MySQL: root (empty password)
    • Cassandra: root/root
    • Elasticsearch: no security
  • -p <password> or –password <password>: Password used for authentication. If no user credentials are specified, the following default credentials will be used:

    • MySQL: root (empty password)
    • Cassandra: root/root
    • Elasticsearch: no security
  • -f or –forced: Skip all prompts. If this argument is not used, the user will be asked for a final confirmation.

  • -d <keyspace> or –Database <keyspace>: Database/keyspace to be cleaned. If this argument is not used, everything will be cleaned.

  • -k or –keepcustomcredentials: Preserve the specified Cassandra credentials (user and password) throughout the factory reset process.

  • -l <level>: Log level:

    • 0 = Off
    • 1 = Trace (default)
    • 2 = Debug
    • 3 = Info
    • 4 = Warning
    • 5 = Error
    • 6 = Fatal
  • –timeout <ms>: Timeout (milliseconds). If execution takes longer than the specified timeout, the program is killed.

    Default: int.MaxValue (~2 billion)


When SLDataGateway.Tools.Database.exe is run from the factory reset tool, it runs with the arguments -k -d -f.