Inspecting the active replication buffers
To solve issues with replication buffering, it is possible to inspect the active replication buffers with the SLNetClientTest tool, and also to drop a specific buffer. After an upgrade to DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU16]/10.4.0 [CU4]/10.4.7, it may also be necessary to flush the replication buffer to the DMA.
Viewing all active replication buffers
To view a list of all active replication buffers:
In the Diagnostics menu, select Caches & Subscriptions > ReplicationBufferStats.
In the Properties tab of the main window, a new message will appear that lists the number of active buffers. For detailed information, double-click the message, or select the message and check the Text pane on the right.
Dropping a replication buffer
To drop one specific replication buffer:
Go to the Build Message tab of the main window.
In the Message Type drop-down list, select DiagnoseMessage.
In the ExtraInfo field, specify "drop:[bufferkey]", where [bufferkey] is the key of the replication buffer you want to drop. Replication buffer keys are listed in the replication buffer stats (e.g. "hostname/ipaddress/dmaid/eid")
In the Type field at the bottom, select ReplicationBufferStats.
Always be extremely careful when using the SLNetClientTest tool, as it can have far-reaching consequences on the functionality of your DataMiner System.
Managing replication buffer files
When a replication buffer saves files to disk, those files are located in C:\Skyline DataMiner\System Cache\SLNet
and are named as follows:
From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU16]/10.4.0 [CU4]/10.4.7 onwards:
These files do not include a unique hash in their filenames. As a result there is only one file per replicated element.
Prior to DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU16]/10.4.0 [CU4]/10.4.7:
These files include a unique hash in their filenames.
From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU16]/10.4.0 [CU4]/10.4.7 onwards, these older files will remain in the SLNet folder, but the new changes prevent further growth.
If older data is no longer needed, you can manually delete the files.
To keep the data, you can flush it to the Agent using the SLNetClientTest tool:
Go to the Build Message tab of the main window.
In the Message Type drop-down list, select DiagnoseMessage.
In the ExtraInfo field, specify "flush:[fileNamePattern]".
Command Action flush:*
Flushes all files flush:slc-h32-g06
Flushes all files for Agent slc-h32-g06 flush:slc-h32-g06_10.11.6.32_223_4
Flushes files for a specific element on the Agent In the Type field at the bottom, select ReplicationBufferStats.
- DataMiner can only flush the replication buffer if the replication connection for that specific subscription is active. If not, the flush will fail and the file will remain.
- Always be extremely careful when using the SLNetClientTest tool, as it can have far-reaching consequences on the functionality of your DataMiner System.