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Setting the TTL for database records

The "time to live" or TTL of database records can be updated via the SLNetClientTest tool.


We recommend that you configure this in DataMiner Cube instead. See Specifying TTL overrides.

  1. Connect to the DMA using the SLNetClientTest tool.

  2. In the Advanced menu, select TTL.

  3. Under Sync Type, select whether you want the TTL to be applied to the DMA only or to the entire DMS.

  4. Select the tab corresponding to the type of record for which a TTL will be specified:

    • DataType: Allows you to specify a TTL for specific data types, e.g. Alarm, TimeTrace, etc.

    • LoggerTable: Allows you to specify a TTL for a logger table. The name of the table must be specified in the Table box.

    • Trending: Allows you to specify a different TTL for real-time ("RT"), 5-minute, 1-hour and 1-day trending records.

    • Protocol: Allows you to specify overrides for a protocol. The name of the protocol must be specified in the Protocol box.

  5. Specify the TTL:

    • To customize the default TTL, add a value (in seconds) in the DefaultTTL box.

    • To override the TTL for records in the general or "local" database, add a value (in seconds) in the LocalTTL box.

    • To override the TTL for records in the indexing database, add a value (in seconds) in the IndexingTTL box.

    • If you do not want to edit a particular field, just leave it blank.

  6. Click Update.


To find out what the currently used TTL values are, run the GetTTLRequest via the message builder.


See also: DBMaintenanceDMS.xml


Always be extremely careful when using the SLNetClientTest tool, as it can have far-reaching consequences on the functionality of your DataMiner System.