Table of Contents

Migration benchmarks

Specifications of the test server


  • Intel Core i7-6770HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
  • 32 GB RAM
  • Cassandra (clustered - 3 nodes)
  • OpenSearch (clustered - 3 nodes)
  • Windows 10 Pro


  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz
  • 4 cores
  • 32 GB RAM
  • Windows 11 Enterprise


# Specification Scope Metric Increase Configuration
1 The time it takes to migrate 20 GB of data from a local MySql database to a remote Cassandra cluster. DMS 14h 42m The DMA contains 20 elements, each having generated part of the data. The DataMiner Agent was running during the migration.
2 The time it takes to migrate 20 GB of data from a local Cassandra database to a remote Cassandra cluster. DMS 13h 51m The DMA contains 20 elements, each having generated part of the data. The DataMiner Agent was running during the migration.
3 Create 1,000 alarms while the migration is running DMS 5.81 s This is an increase of 26.58 % compared to before the migration was started.
4 Write 1,000 trend points while the migration is running DMS 8.70 s This is an increase of 11.68 % compared to before the migration was started.
5 Set 100,000 parameters while the migration is running DMS 23.14 s This is an increase of 20.14 % compared to before the migration was started.
6 Retrieve last 24 hours of alarms while the migration is running DMS 15.39 s This is an increase of 25.14 % compared to before the migration was started. Test retrieves all alarms of the last 24h (28,053).
7 Retrieve last 24 hours of trending (real-time data) while the migration is running DMS 140 ms This is an increase of 23.62 % compared to before the migration was started. Test retrieves all real-time data points of the last 24h (100).
8 Create a new element while the migration is running DMS 270 ms This is an increase of 8.34 % compared to before the migration was started.
9 Create table rows on an element while the migration is running DMS 32,54 s This is an increase of 14.28 % compared to before the migration was started. The element has 4 tables with 10,000 rows each.
10 Restart an element while the migration is running DMS 24,12 s This is an increase of 27.27 % compared to before the migration was started. The element has 4 tables with 10,000 rows each.