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Swarming elements benchmarks


# Specification Scope Metric Test Setup
1 Swarming 1 element DMS 0.591 s DaaS cluster.
2 Swarming 10 elements DMS 1.590 s DaaS cluster.
3 Swarming 100 elements DMS 9.670 s DaaS cluster.
4 Raw swarming time for 1 element DMS 0.154 s DaaS cluster.
Measured swarm action only, without time needed to start the element.
5 Failover switch 100 elements DMS 50 s Non-swarming system. Measured until Cube availability. Nothing else on the Failover Agent.
6 Swarming 100 elements (Failover-like switchover) DMS 10 s On-premises STaaS. Measured until all swarm actions were completed. Elements became available one by one.
7 Element startup (100 elements present) (non-swarming) DMS 4.862 s DaaS Cluster. Non-swarming system (loading element config from XML)
8 Element startup (100 elements present) DMS 5.256 s DaaS Cluster. Swarming system (loading element config from database)
9 Setting element property DMS 0.024 s Non-swarming, 10.5.2
10 Setting element property DMS 0.025 s Swarming-enabled dedicated clustered storage setup, 10.5.2
11 Setting element property DMS 0.070 s Swarming-enabled STaaS setup, 10.5.2

General Notes

  • Benchmarks were taken with simple elements that do not require much loading of element data/alarm events from the database on element startup. The measurements mainly show the time needed to swarm an element aside from the element startup.
  • Measured per element, swarming multiple elements is faster, as multiple elements can be swarmed simultaneously.
  • Measurements are for swarm actions towards one Agent. Parallel swarm actions to multiple targets will provide better timing.