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Activating SLProtocol as a 64-bit process

This is a soft-launch feature that can be activated from DataMiner 10.1.8/10.2.0 onwards. It is activated by default from DataMiner 10.3.9/10.4.0 onwards.

There are two ways to activate this soft-launch feature, depending on whether you want to combine this with an upgrade action or not.


While this can be activated on only some of the DMAs in a cluster, we strongly recommend that you use the same configuration on all DMAs.

Activation with upgrade

  1. Create an empty text file named SoftLaunchX64_SLProtocol.txt in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools on each DMA. There is no need to stop the DMAs for this.

  2. Install the DataMiner upgrade package.

Activation without upgrade

  1. Stop all DMAs where you want to enable this feature.

  2. Launch a command line prompt as administrator on each of the DMAs.

  3. Navigate to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\ in the prompts.

  4. Execute RegisterSLProtocolAsX64.bat from the prompts.

  5. Restart the DMAs.


  • Command line example:

    C:\> cd "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\"
    C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools> RegisterSLProtocolAsX64.bat
  • PowerShell example:

    PS C:\> cd "C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\"
    PS C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools> .\RegisterSLProtocolAsX64.bat


See Activating SLProtocol as a 32-bit process.