Soft-launch options
Soft-launch features are DataMiner features that have not yet been made available to the general public, but by activating specific options you can access them already. However, before you do so, read the disclaimer below:
Make sure you validate soft-launch features on your staging platform, and do not activate them on your production system unless you have synced with Skyline to make an assessment on the risk.
No backwards compatibility is guaranteed for these features. This means that if they require setup work, you may have to redo your work once the functionality is effectively released.
These features typically have not been stress tested yet.
Hotfixes will not be provided for soft-launch features. The only way to get a fix for them is by installing the latest feature release.
If you accept these limitations, feel free to activate the soft-launch options of your choice. And obviously, your feedback on these preview features will be much appreciated.