Table of Contents

Facilities tab

This tab displays an overview of the levels in the infrastructure, with KPIs and a table that allows you to easily navigate to the rack of the managed devices.


The Expected and Actual Energy Consumption KPIs are aggregated on all the different levels of the facilities. On this overview tab, the total values are displayed.

  • The Expected Energy Consumption is based on the element property Energy Expected Consumption. This property can be supplied in the CI Type definition or via the update properties script.
  • To calculate the Actual Energy Consumption KPI, an aggregation rule named Energy Consumption is needed on the Facilities view. This aggregation rule should be in the folder RLM, and it should use the aggregation type calculate the sum of the relevant parameter values, and have Include subview (recursion) selected. As the expected consumption is measured in kWh, we recommend to also measure the actual consumption in kWh.