Table of Contents

Migrating virtual function definitions

To export and import virtual functions definitions and the associated objects, you can use the SRM_ExportFunctions and SRM_ImportFunctions Automation scripts, respectively.

Exporting virtual function definitions

  1. In the Automation module, execute the SRM_ExportFunctions script.

  2. Select the function definitions you want to export.

  3. Click Export.

    The SRM_ExportFunctions script will create a .dmapp package for each selected virtual function definition, which includes:

    • The function definition.
    • The associated system function definition (if Include associated System Functions was selected).
    • The associated profile definition(s).
    • The associated profile parameters.
    • The associated Profile-Load Script.

    The .dmapp packages will be saved in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Documents\DMA_COMMON_DOCUMENTS\SRM\FunctionExport\.

Importing virtual function definitions

  1. Deploy the .dmapp packages you want to import on the target DMS.

  2. In the Automation module, execute the SRM_ImportFunctions script.

  3. Specify the input data {"IsSilent":false} and click Execute now.