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Problem after removing DMA from cluster

Affected versions

Any DataMiner version using a clustered storage and/or an indexing database.


When a DMA is removed from a DMS, the configuration in DB.xml can still point to the database cluster and/or the indexing database used by the DMS. This means that if the DMA is still used after it is removed, it uses the same database and keyspace as the DMS it was removed from, which can cause various issues.


When you remove a DMA from a DMS, manually clean up the DB.xml file of the removed DMA before you restart it. To do so:

  1. On the DMA you have removed from a DMS, go to the C:\Skyline DataMiner folder and open DB.xml.

  2. Remove any connections to the clustered database and/or the indexing database used by the DMS.


See also: DB.xml


No fix is available yet.


After a DMA has been removed from a DMS, in case that DMA is still used, data from the existing DMS or from the removed DMA gets overwritten or removed unexpectedly.