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SLAnalytics RTEs after upgrading DMS with Cassandra Cluster

Affected versions

DataMiner 10.2.8 (CU1)


The upgrade action "AnalyticsParameterInfoRecordAddChangeRate" is not triggered for a DMS with Cassandra cluster because the check in the upgrade action that controls whether Cassandra is active only checks for "Cassandra" and not for "CassandraCluster".


Either downgrade to 10.2.7 and then upgrade to DataMiner 10.2.8 (CU2), or run the command mentioned under "Workaround" below and then upgrade to DataMiner 10.2.8 (CU2).


Open DevCenter and run the command ALTER TABLE analytics_parameterinfo_v1 add cr int;.

Issue description

After upgrading to DataMiner 10.2.8 (CU1), the Alarm Console shows run-time errors related to the SLAnalytics process.