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'Failed getting progress' notices during upgrade

Affected versions

From DataMiner 10.4.0 [CU0]/10.3.7 onwards.


When you connect to a DataMiner Agent via localhost or, a special local connection called slnetIPC is used, which utilizes IPC (Inter-process communication). An edge case in the upgrade logic causes the monitor to incorrectly parse slnetIPC as a hostname, causing the upgrade events to not come through.

Example of the issue


The upgrade that was launched will still be progressing in the background. It is only the monitoring of the event that is affected.


To keep this issue from happening, connect to the system using the local IP or hostname instead of localhost or

If you have already started an upgrade and encounter this issue, you can take the following steps:

  1. Close DataMiner Cube.

  2. Reconnect using the local IP or hostname (avoid using localhost or

  3. If you are unable to connect but you see the message DataMiner is busy upgrading. The connection will be established when finished. Please wait..., click Monitor.

  4. If you are able to connect to the DataMiner Agent:

    1. Go to System Center > Agents.

    2. Right-click the Agent you launched the upgrade from, and select Upgrades.

    3. In the pop-up window, right-click the package you used to launch the upgrade and select Attach.

      Attaching to a running upgrade

The monitor should now show all the events.


No fix is available yet.


During a DataMiner upgrade, no progress events are shown, but instead the following message is repeatedly shown:

Failed getting progress from http://slnetipc:8004//UpgradeService: The remote name could not be resolved: 'slnetipc'

Example of the issue

This happens when the upgrade is launched in a DataMiner Cube session connected via localhost. You can verify this in Cube by clicking the user icon in the top-right corner and selecting About. In the connection tab of the About window, look for Connection String or Connection String (NR). If either or both says ipc://slnetipc/SLNetService, this issue will occur.

Connection string