Unable to configure dashboards included in 'Email' actions for Automation scripts, scheduled tasks, and Correlation rules
Affected versions
From DataMiner Cube 10.4.0 [CU10]/10.5.0/10.5.1 onwards.
In DataMiner Cube 10.4.0 [CU10]/10.5.0/10.5.1 (RN 41364), a new feature was introduced that highlights dashboards that no longer exist by displaying them in red when an Email action is edited. However, the user interface may not always reflect updates made in the business logic, leading to occasional inconsistencies. As a result, users might be unable to configure dashboards for the Email action.
Available from DataMiner Cube 10.4.0 [CU12]/10.5.0/10.5.3 onwards.
When you select the Include report or dashboard option while configuring an Email action in an Automation script, scheduled task, or Correlation rule, the Configure button, which allows you to open a window where you can further configure the dashboard, is no longer available.
This prevents you from successfully implementing Email actions that include dashboards.