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Missing 1-day average trending records

Affected versions

  • DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU0] up to 10.2.0 [CU10]
  • DataMiner 10.1.10 up to 10.3.1


Day records for trending are only written into the Cassandra database if there is a TTL specified and there is an entry specifying the window size in MaintenanceSettings.xml.


Install DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU11] or 10.3.2.


Explicitly configure <TimeSpan1DayRecords window="120" /> in MaintenanceSettings.xml. See Trending.TimeSpan1DayRecords.

This will ensure that records are written into the database. However, note that this will not generate records in the past, so you may continue to see a gap in trend graphs for some time.

Issue description

If a DMA with Cassandra database had "time to live" settings enabled for day records without using a custom window size for day records, it could occur that trend graphs did not show older data or showed a gap between the 10.2 upgrade and a timestamp equal to the current time minus the TTL for hour records.