Ember+ is a control protocol defined by the Lawo Group, allowing communication between two endpoints: a data provider (typically a device exposing a set of controllable parameters) and a consumer (typically a monitoring system).
The Ember+ specification consists of three parts:
Glow: The data schema defining the data types used to convey Ember+ information.
EmBER: The encoding used to store instances of the Glow-defined types.
S101: The framing protocol used to transmit EmBER encoded data.
The Ember+ specification is available in the following location: https://github.com/Lawo/ember-plus/blob/master/documentation/Ember%2B%20Documentation.pdf.
To obtain the latest release, refer to https://github.com/Lawo/ember-plus/releases.
The following sections provide a brief overview of the different parts of Ember+. For more detailed information, refer to the specification.