Table of Contents


Sets the values stored for the specified parameters in the ElementData.xml file.


Setting a single value:

string paramName = "ExampleParameter";
string paramValue = "Data";

protocol.NotifyProtocol(89, paramName, paramValue);
  • paramName (string): The name of the parameter.
  • paramValue (string): The value to set.

Setting multiple values:

string[] paramNames =  new string[] { "ExampleParameter" };
string[] paramValues = new string[] { "Data" };

object result = protocol.NotifyProtocol(89, paramNames, paramValues);

if (result != null)
  • paramNames (string[]): The names of the parameters.
  • paramValues (string[]): The values to set.

Return Value

  • (object): An array of unsigned integers (the same length as the number of parameters that have been set), with the result for each set.
