Class AutomationDateTimePickerOptions
- Namespace
- Skyline.DataMiner.Automation
- Assembly
- SLNetTypes.dll
This class allows you to create a date and time picker control in an interactive Automation script.
public class AutomationDateTimePickerOptions : AutomationDateTimeUpDownOptions
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
UIBlockDefinition blockDateTimePickerDefault = new UIBlockDefinition();
blockDateTimePickerDefault.Type = UIBlockType.Time;
AutomationDateTimePickerOptions configOptionsDateTimePickerDefault = new AutomationDateTimePickerOptions();
blockDateTimePickerDefault.ConfigOptions = configOptionsDateTimePickerDefault;

If the name of a variable starts with the following prefix, IntelliSense in DataMiner Cube will list the object properties: dateTimePickerConfig*
- AutomationDateTimePickerOptions()
Initializes a new instance of the AutomationDateTimePickerOptions class.
- AutoCloseCalendar
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to close the calendar pop-up when the user clicks a new date.
- CalendarDisplayMode
Gets or sets the display mode of the calendar inside the date-time picker control.
Gets the default value for the AutoCloseCalendar property.
Gets the default value for the CalendarDisplayMode property.
Gets the default value for the ShowDropDownButton property.
Gets the default value for the TimeFormat property.
Gets the default value for the TimeFormatString property.
Gets the default value for the TimePickerAllowSpin property.
Gets the default value for the TimePickerShowButtonSpinner property.
Gets the default value for the TimePickerVisible property.
- ShowDropDownButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the drop-down button to show the calendar control.
- TimeFormat
Gets or sets the date time format.
- TimeFormatString
Gets or sets the time format string used when TimeFormat is set to “Custom”.
- TimePickerAllowSpin
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable the spinner button of the calendar control.
- TimePickerShowButtonSpinner
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the spin box of the calendar control.
- TimePickerVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the time picker within the calendar control.
- CreateInstanceFromDataString(string)
Creates an instance from the specified data.
- GetOptionsAsString(bool)
Gets the options as a string.
- SetDefaultOptions()
Sets the default options.
- SetNewValueOnPropertySucceeded(string, string)
Sets the specified property to the specified value.
- ToString()
Returns a string that represents the current object.