Table of Contents

Class Message


Represents a single command or response.

public class Message
Extension Methods



Initializes a new instance of the Message class.


Initializes a new instance of the Message class using the specified GUID.



Gets or sets the broker return address that specifies where a reply message should be sent.


Gets whether this message expects a reply from the recipient.


Gets or sets a globally unique identifier (GUID) identifying this message.


Gets or sets the location where the reply message will be stored.

This property informs the receiver about the designated location for storing a reply. The sender actively monitors this location using SLNet subscriptions.

Typically, this property is specified as a parameter on the element sending the reply.


Gets or sets the source of this message.


CreateBaseExecutor(IDictionary<Type, Type>)

Retrieves the executor of this message using custom mapping. This contains all logic to perform when receiving this message.

CreateExecutor(IDictionary<Type, Type>)

Retrieves the executor of this message using custom mapping. This contains all logic to perform when receiving this message.

Reply(IConnection, Message, ISerializer, TimeSpan?)

Sends a message as a reply to this message without waiting on a reply.

Reply(IConnection, Message, IEnumerable<Type>, TimeSpan?)

Sends a message as a reply to this message using a default serializer without waiting on a reply.

Reply(IConnection, Message, TimeSpan, ISerializer)

Sends a message as a reply to this message and waits on a reply.

Reply(IConnection, Message, TimeSpan, IEnumerable<Type>)

Sends a message as a reply to this message using a default serializer and waits on a reply.

Send(IConnection, int, int, int, ISerializer)

Sends this message using SLNet communication to a specific DataMiner Agent ID/element ID/parameter ID without waiting on a reply.

Send(IConnection, int, int, int, IEnumerable<Type>)

Sends this message using a default serializer and SLNet communication to a specific DataMiner Agent ID/element ID/parameter ID without waiting on a reply.

Send(IConnection, int, int, int, TimeSpan, ISerializer, bool)

Sends this message using SLNet communication to a specific DataMiner Agent ID/element ID/parameter ID and waits on a reply.

Send(IConnection, int, int, int, TimeSpan, IEnumerable<Type>, bool)

Sends this message using SLNet communication to a specific DataMiner Agent ID/element ID/parameter ID and waits on a reply.

TryExecute(object, object, IDictionary<Type, Type>, out Message)

Tries to get the Executor and run the default execution flow.