Table of Contents

Class AlarmTemplateHelper


Allows manipulation of alarm templates: This helper can be used to extract parameter rows from an AlarmTemplate and add them to or update them on other AlarmTemplates.

public class AlarmTemplateHelper
Extension Methods


AlarmTemplateHelper helper = new AlarmTemplateHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

var id = new AlarmTemplateID("AlarmTemplate", "Protocol", "");
var rowId = new AlarmTemplateRowID(1, "condition", "filter");
var rowList = new List<AlarmTemplateRowID> { rowId };
var row = helper.GetAlarmTemplateRowsFromServer(id, rowList);

helper.DeleteAlarmTemplateRowsOnServer(_id, row);


  • A row will be returned as an AlarmTemplateRow object containing the AlarmTemplateRowID, all parameter values (in a GetAlarmTemplateResponseMessage) and the full condition.
  • When a row is deleted, the condition will only be deleted if it is not used by any other parameter.
  • When an existing row is merged, the parameter values will be updated, and the parameter will have the same index in the list.
  • When a new row is merged, it will be added at the bottom of the list.
  • Only parameter rows that are set to "Included" can be extracted and merged.


AlarmTemplateHelper(Func<DMSMessage[], DMSMessage[]>)

Initializes a new instance of the AlarmTemplateHelper class.


DeleteAlarmTemplateRow(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, AlarmTemplateRow)

Deletes the specified alarm template rows from the specified alarm template.

DeleteAlarmTemplateRows(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, List<AlarmTemplateRow>)

Returns an AlarmTemplateEventMessage where the parameters defined by the AlarmTemplateRows are removed. The conditions will also be removed if there are no links anymore.

DeleteAlarmTemplateRowsOnServer(AlarmTemplateID, List<AlarmTemplateRow>)

Deletes the specified alarm template rows from the specified alarm template.

GetAlarmTemplateRow(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, AlarmTemplateRowID)

Returns the alarm template row with the specified alarm template row ID.

GetAlarmTemplateRows(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, List<AlarmTemplateRowID>)

Returns a list of AlarmTemplateRow objects that were requested by the list of AlarmTemplateRowIDs.

GetAlarmTemplateRowsFromServer(AlarmTemplateID, List<AlarmTemplateRowID>)

Retrieves the specified alarm template rows from the server.

MergeAlarmTemplateRow(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, AlarmTemplateRow, bool)

Returns an AlarmTemplateEventMessage where the parameter defined by the AlarmTemplateRow is merged.

MergeAlarmTemplateRows(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, List<AlarmTemplateRow>)

Merges the specified rows with the specified template.

MergeAlarmTemplateRowsOnServer(AlarmTemplateID, List<AlarmTemplateRow>)

Merges the specified rows with the specified template.

UpdateAlarmTemplateRow(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, AlarmTemplateRow)

Updates parameter data in the target AlarmTemplate, when no data to update is found, an exception is thrown.

UpdateAlarmTemplateRows(AlarmTemplateEventMessage, List<AlarmTemplateRow>)

Updates the specified alarm template with the specified rows.

UpdateAlarmTemplateRowsOnServer(AlarmTemplateID, List<AlarmTemplateRow>)

Updates the specified alarm template with the specified rows.