Class StaticTextFieldDescriptor
This field descriptor has a StaticText property. Every field of this type will always have this string as value.
public sealed class StaticTextFieldDescriptor : FieldDescriptor
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- Extension Methods
The value itself is not saved in the job, which makes sure that the StaticText can always be changed freely. When a job is displayed, the value for this kind of field should always be retrieved from the StaticTextFieldDescriptor itself.
The FieldValue for this type of FieldDescriptor must not contain any values, it should be empty, but if something were to be present, it can always be safely ignored.
Feature introduced in DataMiner 9.6.9 (RN 22207).
- StaticTextFieldDescriptor()
Initializes a new instance of the StaticTextFieldDescriptor class.
- StaticText
Gets or sets the static text.
- ContainsValidSupportedType(out SectionDefinitionError)
Determines whether the specified type in FieldType is a supported type.
- Equals(StaticTextFieldDescriptor)
Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
- Equals(object)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
- GetHashCode()
Calculates the hash code for this object.
- IschangedInASafeWay(FieldDescriptor)
Determines whether the field descriptor is changed in a safe way.