Class ServerDetails
Contains information about this DataMiner Agent. This information is available from the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Connection object after authentication is complete.
public class ServerDetails
- Inheritance
- Extension Methods
- ServerDetails()
Initializes a new instance of the ServerDetails class.
- AgentDomainName
Gets or sets the name of the domain to which the DataMiner Agent belongs.
- AgentID
Gets or sets the DataMiner Agent ID.
- AgentIP
Gets or sets the DataMiner Agent IP address.
- AgentName
Gets or sets the name of the DataMiner Agent.
- ClusterName
Gets or sets the name of the DMS cluster.
- GlobalClientFlags
Gets or sets the global client setting flags, e.g. "SkipViewUpdates".
- SLNetTypesVersion
Gets or sets the SLNetTypes version.
- ToString()
Converts to string.