Table of Contents

Interface ISwarmingHelper


Helper class for Swarming action in scripts. Create an instance by calling one of the static Create(IConnection) or Create(Func<DMSMessage, DMSMessage[]>) methods. Example usage:

First create a helper. This can be stored somewhere and reused between requests.

var helper = SwarmingHelper.Create(_connection);

Then do the actual swarming actions:

var results = helper

Note: The ToAgent call does the actual swarming request.

public interface ISwarmingHelper
Extension Methods


While instances of SwarmingHelper can be re-used, they are not thread-safe.



Swarms one or more bookings to another hosting Agent. Chain this method together with ToAgent(int).

SwarmBookings(params Guid[])

Swarms one or more bookings to another hosting Agent. Chain this method together with ToAgent(int).


Swarms one or more elements to another hosting Agent. Chain this method together with ToAgent(int).

SwarmElement(int, int)

Swarms one or more elements to another hosting Agent. Chain this method together with ToAgent(int).

SwarmElements(params ElementID[])

Swarms one or more elements to another hosting Agent. Chain this method together with ToAgent(int).