Class SwarmingHelper
Helper class for Swarming action in scripts. Create an instance by calling one of the static Create(IConnection) or Create(Func<DMSMessage, DMSMessage[]>) methods. Example usage:
First create a helper. This can be stored somewhere and reused between requests.
var helper = SwarmingHelper.Create(_connection);
Then do the actual swarming actions:
var results = helper
Note: The ToAgent call does the actual swarming request.
public class SwarmingHelper : ISwarmingHelper, ITargetlessSwarmingHelper
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Extension Methods
While instances of SwarmingHelper can be re-used, they are not thread-safe.
- Create(IConnection)
Creates a new SwarmingHelper instance.
- Create(Func<DMSMessage, DMSMessage[]>)
Creates a new SwarmingHelper instance.
- SwarmBooking(Guid)
Prepares the helper to swarm one specific booking. Call ToAgent(int) on the result to do the actual swarming.
- SwarmBookings(params Guid[])
Prepares the helper to swarm a series of bookings. Call ToAgent(int) on the result to do the actual swarming.
- SwarmElement(ElementID)
Prepares the helper to swarm one specific element. Call ToAgent(int) on the result to do the actual swarming.
- SwarmElement(int, int)
Prepares the helper to swarm one specific element. Call ToAgent(int) on the result to do the actual swarming.
- SwarmElements(params ElementID[])
Prepares the helper to swarm a series of elements. Call ToAgent(int) on the result to do the actual swarming.
- ToAgent(int)
Swarms the objects previously prepared by calling the SwarmElements or SwarmBookings methods to the specified Agent.