Namespace Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Ticketing
Refer to Ticketing differences depending on the DataMiner version for more information about differences in the Ticketing app between DataMiner versions.
- AlarmPropertyNameDoesNotExistException
The exception that is thrown when no alarm property exists with the specified name.
- FailedParseAlarmPropertyException
The exception that is thrown when parsing failed for an alarm property.
- Ticket
Represents a ticket used by the Ticketing Gateway.
- TicketFieldDoesNotExistException
The exception that is thrown when the ticket field does not exist.
- TicketHistoryKeyComparer
Represents a ticket history key comparer.
- TicketID
Represents a ticket ID.
- TicketLink
Represents a link between a ticket and a DataMiner object.
- TicketLink<T>
Represents a generic ticket link.
- TicketingExposers
Defines ticketing exposers.
- TicketingGatewayHelper
Helper class for the Ticketing Gateway.
- TicketModule
Ticket module.