Table of Contents

Constructor ConnectivityConnection



Initializes a new instance of the ConnectivityConnection class. Gets a value indicating whether

public ConnectivityConnection()

ConnectivityConnection(int, int, int, string, int, int, int, int, string, SLProtocol)

Initializes a new instance of the ConnectivityConnection class.

public ConnectivityConnection(int DMAId, int EId, int connId, string connName, int sourceItf, int destItf, int destDma, int destEid, string filter, SLProtocol engine)


DMAId int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the element that owns the connection.

EId int

The element ID of the element that owns the connection.

connId int

The ID of the connection.

connName string

The name of the connection.

sourceItf int

The ID of the source interface.

destItf int

The ID of the destination interface.

destDma int

The DataMiner Agent ID of the element that owns the destination interface.

destEid int

The element ID of the element that owns the destination interface.

filter string

The connection filter.

engine SLProtocol

Link with SLProtocol process.