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Interface SLProtocolExt


Extension of the SLProtocol interface.

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


<p>The SLProtocolExt interface is an extension of the SLProtocol interface (hence the name "SLProtocolExt") and is automatically generated (along with the Parameter class, see <xref href="Skyline.DataMiner.Scripting.Parameter" data-throw-if-not-resolved="false"></xref> class). This interface can be found in the [Protocol Name].[Protocol Version].QAction.Helper.dll DLL located in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts.</p>
<p>For every standalone parameter of type "read" or "dummy", two properties are defined in the SLProtocolExt interface: one using the name of the parameter (Pascal cased and removing special characters) and one with an additional suffix consisting of an underscore and the parameter ID (e.g. "_108").</p>
<p>For example, suppose a protocol defines a parameter of type “read" with ID 108 and name "Status Code", then the Parameter class will define the following two fields:</p>
<pre><code class="lang-c#">public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol

{ object StatusCode { get; set; } object StatusCode_108 { get; set; } }

For write parameters, a property "Write” of type “WriteParameters" is defined in the ProtocolExt interface. The “WriteParameters" class then defines a property for each parameter of type "write". For example, suppose there is a parameter of type "write" with ID 158 and name "Status Code", then the WriteParameters class will define the following property for this write parameter:

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
	WriteParameters Write { get; set; }
public class WriteParameters
	public System.Object StatusCode { get { return Protocol.GetParameter(158); } set { Protocol.SetParameter(158, value); } }

The QAction_Helper.cs file also contains automatically generated subclasses of the QActionTable and QActionTableRow class for each table defined in the protocol. The ProtocolExt interface then defines a property for each table type.

For example, suppose a protocol defines a table with name "Overview", then the ProtocolExt interface will contain the following property:

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
	public OverviewQActionTable overview {get; set; };


The ProtocolExt interface allows you to work with parameters and tables on a higher level, abstracting away from the low-level details. This allows you to produce more readable and maintainable code.

protocol.RequestCounter = 1; // Sets the value of the read parameter with name “Request Counter”.
OverviewQActionRow row = protocol.overview["Main"]; // Retrieve the row with primary key “Main” from the overview table.

SLProtocolExt is an interface from DataMiner 10.0.1 onwards (RN 23787). In earlier DataMiner versions, it is a concrete class.