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Interface SLProtocolExt


Extension of the SLProtocol interface.

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
Inherited Members
Extension Methods


The SLProtocolExt interface is an extension of the SLProtocol interface (hence the name "SLProtocolExt") and is automatically generated (along with the Parameter class, see Parameter class). This interface can be found in the [Protocol Name].[Protocol Version].QAction.Helper.dll DLL located in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\ProtocolScripts.

For every standalone parameter of type "read" or "dummy", two properties are defined in the SLProtocolExt interface: one using the name of the parameter (Pascal cased and removing special characters) and one with an additional suffix consisting of an underscore and the parameter ID (e.g. "_108").

For example, suppose a protocol defines a parameter of type “read" with ID 108 and name "Status Code", then the Parameter class will define the following two fields:

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
    object StatusCode { get; set; }
    object StatusCode_108 { get; set; }

For write parameters, a property "Write” of type “WriteParameters" is defined in the ProtocolExt interface. The “WriteParameters" class then defines a property for each parameter of type "write". For example, suppose there is a parameter of type "write" with ID 158 and name "Status Code", then the WriteParameters class will define the following property for this write parameter:

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
	WriteParameters Write { get; set; }
public class WriteParameters
	public System.Object StatusCode { get { return Protocol.GetParameter(158); } set { Protocol.SetParameter(158, value); } }

The QAction_Helper.cs file also contains automatically generated subclasses of the QActionTable and QActionTableRow class for each table defined in the protocol. The ProtocolExt interface then defines a property for each table type.

For example, suppose a protocol defines a table with name "Overview", then the ProtocolExt interface will contain the following property:

public interface SLProtocolExt : SLProtocol
	public OverviewQActionTable overview {get; set; };


The ProtocolExt interface allows you to work with parameters and tables on a higher level, abstracting away from the low-level details. This allows you to produce more readable and maintainable code.

protocol.RequestCounter = 1; // Sets the value of the read parameter with name “Request Counter”.
OverviewQActionRow row = protocol.overview["Main"]; // Retrieve the row with primary key “Main” from the overview table.

SLProtocolExt is an interface from DataMiner 10.0.1 onwards (RN 23787). In earlier DataMiner versions, it is a concrete class.