Table of Contents

type attribute

Specifies the action type.

Content Type

Contains one of the following values:

Value Description
assign Assigns a value.
assigndummy Assigns an Automation script's dummy to a specific element by using a variable or a value.
assigntemplate Assigns an alarm or trend template to a dummy.
changestate Sets the state of a dummy in an Automation script.
clearmemory Clears the content of an Automation script's memory file.
comment Adds an extra comment to the script.
csharp Executes a block of C# code.
else Marks the start of the else clause of an If-Else statement.
endif Marks the end of the If-Else statement.
exit Terminates the Automation script without delay.
get Gets a parameter or memory value.
goto Jumps to the specified label.
findinteractiveclient Asks an interactive user to attach to the script.
if Defines an If condition to make certain actions in the script depend on one or more conditions.
information Generates an information event in the alarm console.
label Adds a label allowing to jump to this point through a goto action.
logmessage Creates a log message that will be saved in the SLAutomation.txt log file.
notification Sends a notification via email or SMS.
report Uploads a report to an FTP server or a shared folder.
script Runs another Automation script from within the current script.
set Sets a parameter, memory position or variable.
sleep Pauses the Automation script for the specified period of time.
ui Configures a dialog box asking for a user response.
wait Defines a wait for a positive result.




Refer to Automation script actions for more information about Automation script actions.