Table of Contents

Exe element

Defines a script action.




Name Type Required Description
id positiveInteger Yes Specifies the unique ID of the parameter script variable.
type Yes Specifies the action type.
destvar string Specifies the destination variable.


Name Occurrences Description
  Condition [0, *] Specifies a condition.
  Destination [0, 1] Specifies the destination
  Include [0, 1] Specifies an item to be included.
  MemoryPos [0, 1] Specifies the memory position to get or set.
  Message Specifies the message.
  Param [0, *] Specifies a parameter.
  Protocol [0, 1] Specifies a dummy script variable.
  Script [0, 1] Specifies the name of the script.
  ScriptSuccess [0, 1] Specifies whether the script execution is considered successful (TRUE) or failed (FALSE).
  Template [0, 1] Specifies the name of the template.
  Timeout [0, 1] Specifies the timeout value.
  Type [0, 1] Specifies the state to which the dummy element has to be set.
  Value [0, 1] Specifies a value.