Table of Contents

Condition element

Specifies a condition.






Name Type Required Description
combination string Specifies the logical operator to be applied.
compare string Specifies the operator to use in the Boolean expression.
pid positiveInteger Specifies the ID of the parameter that is referred to.
protocol positiveInteger Specifies the ID of the dummy script variable that is referred to.
ref string In case the right hand operand is a script variable, this attribute specifies the script variable that is referred to.
type string Specifies whether the left hand operand of the Boolean expression is a script variable or a parameter value.
var string Specifies the name of the script variable.


Used in a script action of type "if".

In case the right operand of the Boolean expression is a condition that uses a specific value, the content of Condition specifies the value (In case the right hand operand of the Boolean expression is a script variable, the ref attribute specifies the script variable).


<Condition combination="and" type="param" protocol="1" pid="64501" compare="lt" ref="param1">
<Condition combination="or" type="variable" var="param1" compare="eq" ref="">10</Condition>