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NamingFormat element

Defines the structure of the display key.






The first character in the NamingFormat tag is the separator used between the different components. In the example below, a comma is used to separate the components. A component is either a parameter ID or static text.

It is not necessary to put static text in between the separators. You can just sum up a number of parameter IDs to be replaced by their values:


If you want to use characters like "<", ">" and "&" in the naming format, enclose the format in a CDATA block.


If you use this NamingFormat tag, it will override any naming rules specified in the options attribute of the ArrayOptions tag (options=";naming=/1512,1514"). Using the NamingFormat tag is preferred over the use of the naming option.


When referencing a parameter ID, take care not to add spaces before or after the number. For example:

  • Correct: ";Input;1005;TS;2004"
  • Incorrect: ";Input; 1005;TS;2004 "


The following example:

<NamingFormat>,string ,1512, discreet ,1514</NamingFormat>

produces a display key with the following format:

string [valueOfParameter1512ForThisRow] discreet [valueOfParameter1514ForThisRow]

See also

Display keys