Table of Contents

ArrayOptions element

Defines all table columns.




Name                         Type Required Description
deleteRow EnumTrueFalse Specifies how non-existing rows should be handled.
displayColumn unsignedInt Defines which column is used as an identifier for the user.
index unsignedInt Yes Defines which column contains the primary keys.
options string Specifies a number of options, separated by semicolons (';').
partial string If set to "true", the table will be subdivided into multiple pages (default: 1000 rows per page).
snmpIndex TypeSemicolonSeparatedNumbers Defines the columns that are used when retrieving the table via SNMP.


Name Occurrences Description
  NamingFormat [0, 1] Defines the structure of the display key.
    ColumnOption [1, *] Defines a table column.


Type Description Selector Fields
Unique No duplicate idx values must occur for the different ColumnOption elements. ColumnOption @idx


Each column is defined by one or two parameters

  • one for read, and/or
  • one for write.