Table of Contents


Item Format Description
Connection String The connection string.
Message String If the connection attempt failed, Message will contain an error message.
MessageType String If the connection attempt failed, MessageType will indicate the type of error that occurred.
DMAVersion String The version of the DataMiner software.
AlarmColors DMAAlarmColors The alarm colors used on the DataMiner Agent.
time String The DMS time.
TimeUTC Long integer The DMS time in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
LastChangeUTC Long integer The time when the object was last changed, in UTC format (milliseconds since midnight January 1, 1970 GMT).
Security DMASecurity The user permissions of the specified user account.
Licenses DMALicenses Array indicating which licenses are or are not available on the DMA.
User DMAUser The user login, full name and email address of each user.
UserGroups DMAUserGroup The IDs and names of the user groups.
SLNetConnectionID String The SLNet connection ID.
Cookie String The encoded timestamp, client info hash, username and password
ClusterInfo.IsCassandraActive Boolean Indicates whether the DMA uses a Cassandra database.
ClusterInfo.IsSearchActive Boolean Indicates whether the DMA uses an indexing database.
HasDelegatedAuthentication Boolean Indicates whether authentication is delegated to a third-party system.