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Synchronizing data between DataMiner Agents

In normal circumstances, the information on all DMAs in a cluster is synchronized at midnight. However, it may be necessary to force a synchronization earlier, either partially or completely.


Synchronizing your DMA with the DMS

To make a DMA synchronize its changes with other Agents in the cluster, you can manually execute the midnight synchronization code on this one DMA.

  1. In Cube, go to Apps > System Center.

  2. In the System Center module, select the Tools page.

  3. In the second column, select Synchronization.

  4. In the drop-down list next to Type, make sure This DataMiner Agent is selected.

  5. Click the Sync now button at the bottom of the card.

  6. In the confirmation window, click Yes.


In a DMS with several Agents, if a sync from one DMA is initiated, it is possible that some Agents in the DMS are not fully synchronized. For example, in a DMS with 3 DMAs, DMA A, B and C, If DMA A is synchronized with the DMS, first DMA A and DMA B will be synchronized, then DMA A and DMA C will be synchronized. However, this means that if DMA C had a more recent file than DMA B, only DMA A and C will have this newest file. As such, in most circumstances, a DMS sync is to be preferred over a DMA sync.

Synchronizing all Agents in your DMS

To synchronize all Agents in the cluster, you can manually execute the complete midnight synchronization at any time.

  1. In Cube, go to Apps > System Center.

  2. In the System Center module, select the Tools page.

  3. In the second column, select Synchronization.

  4. In the drop-down list next to Type, select This DMS.

  5. Click the Sync now button at the bottom of the card.

  6. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

Forcing synchronization of a file with the DMS

When a file has been changed on a particular DMA, you can force the synchronization of this file across the cluster.

  1. In Cube, go to Apps > System Center.

  2. In the System Center module, select the Tools page.

  3. In the second column, select Synchronization.

  4. In the drop-down list next to Type, select File.

  5. In the File box enter the path of the file in question, e.g. C:\Skyline DataMiner\Views.xml.

  6. Click the Sync now button at the bottom of the card.

  7. In the confirmation window, click Yes.

Synchronizing all Visio files within a DMS

To synchronize all Visio templates used in the cluster, you can execute a file synchronization for Visio files only.

  1. In Cube, go to Apps > System Center.

  2. In the System Center module, select the Tools page.

  3. In the second column, select Synchronization.

  4. In the drop-down list next to Type, select Visio.

  5. Click the Sync now button at the bottom of the card.

  6. In the confirmation window, click Yes.