Table of Contents

Overview of the files found in the root folder


All DataMiner system files can be found in the C:\Skyline DataMiner folder of a DataMiner Agent.

Name Description Synchronized?
BaseSubscriptions.xml Base subscriptions, i.e. element subscriptions that remain open, so that the element info is cached in SLNet. No
Brain.xml Correlation rules. Yes
ClientApps.lic License file for client applications. No longer used. When you upgrade to a recent DataMiner version, this file is removed during the upgrade. No
ClusterInfo.xml Contains the ID ranges for the views of each DMA in the cluster. Yes
DataMiner.lic DataMiner license file. No
DataMiner.xml General DataMiner configuration. See DataMiner.xml. Partially
DB.xml Database configuration. See DB.xml. Partially
DMS.xml IP addresses of the different DMAs in the DMS cluster. See DMS.xml. Partially
ElementTypes.xml Currently not used. Yes
EPMConfig.xml Overrides of EPM topology cells/chains/search chains. See EPMConfig.xml. No
Hyperlinks.xml Custom commands in Alarm Console shortcut menu. See Hyperlinks.xml. Yes
Info.xml Operator info, etc. Partially
LogSettings.xml See LogSettings.xml. No
MaintenanceSettings.xml See MaintenanceSettings.xml. Partially
NotifyMail.html Email notification template No
OEM.xml Optional file used for co-branding No
PropertyConfiguration.xml See PropertyConfiguration.xml. Yes
PWD.lic No longer used. No
Request.lic Request file for offline demo license. No
Response.lic Response file for offline demo license. No
Schedule.xml Configuration of scheduled tasks. No
Security.xml Security configuration (groups and users). Yes
SLCloud.xml See SLCloud.xml No
SNMP Managers.xml See SNMP Managers.xml. Partially
SoftlaunchOptions.xml This file is not present by default, but can be added manually to activate specific soft-launch options.
See Soft-launch options.
SpectrumMonitors.xml Monitors for a specific DataMiner/element. No
Spectrum.xml Scripts, Globals. Yes
StartupDataMiner.bat Batch file executed at startup. No
SyncRules.xml Synchronization rules that can prevent file synchronization between DMAs running different versions of DataMiner. See SyncRules.xml. Yes
videoservers.xml Configuration of video servers (for video thumbnails). No
Views.xml View configuration. Yes

Files marked as "synchronized" in the rightmost column are synchronized among all DMAs in the cluster every day at midnight (00:00). Therefore, it is of great importance that the time settings of all DMAs in the cluster are synchronized as well. For more information, see How do I synchronize time settings within a DMS?.