Table of Contents

Viewing information on the DMAs in a DMS

To get information on the individual DMAs in a DMS, in DataMiner Cube, go to Apps > System Center > Agents.

This page contains several tabs with information and settings:

  • To see the total number of DMAs in the system, check the top of the Agents column in the manage tab.

  • To see the state of a specific DMA in the system, look for the DMA in the Agents column in the manage tab. The state of the DMA is displayed in parentheses next to the DMA name. Select a DMA to view detailed information on Agent alarms in the pane on the right.

    A DMA can have the following states:

    State Description
    Not running The DMA is currently not running.
    Running The DMA is running.
    Starting The DMA is starting up.
    Switching The DMA is part of a Failover pair and a Failover switch is currently happening. See Failover.
    Leaving Cluster The DMA is currently leaving the DataMiner System.
    Joining Cluster The DMA is currently joining the DataMiner System.
    Unknown The DMA state and connection state are currently not known.

    If the DMA state is unknown, but the connection state is known, the connection state is shown instead. A DMA can have the following connection states:

    Connection state Description
    Normal The connection is OK.
    Other cluster The DMA is not part of the current cluster. This can mean that it is part of another cluster, or that it is not part of a cluster at all.
    Version conflict There is a version conflict between the DMA and the DMA you are connected to.
    Refused The connection with the DMA is temporarily refused.
    Invalid Invalid configuration makes it impossible to communicate with the DMA.
    Disconnected The DMA cannot be reached.

    For more information on how to check the exact cause for a refused connection, see Checking or modifying the settings related to a Refused DMA state. However, note that this involves advanced settings that should only be modified by administrators, as changing these can have far-reaching consequences on the functionality of your DataMiner System.

  • To view key parameters of all the DMAs in the system, such as the processor load, the server uptime, and the total number of elements per DMA, go to the status tab.

  • To view contacts responsible for the system, for instance in case you encounter an issue and want to contact an administrator, go to the system tab.

  • The bpa tab is used to run BPA tests. See Running BPA tests


To view this page, you need the permission Modules > System configuration > Agents > UI available.