Migrating existing data to STaaS
Before migrating your data over to STaaS, make sure you are aware of the limitations for migration. Then follow the procedure below:
Follow the setup procedure until you come to the step where you have received confirmation that the registration is completed.
Deploy the STaaS Migration Script package from the DataMiner Catalog.
In the Automation module in DataMiner Cube, locate the CloudStorageMigration script and execute the script.
When you run the Automation script on a Failover pair, make sure the currently active Agent is the main Failover Agent (i.e. the first Agent in the Failover configuration). Otherwise, the Automation script will not function correctly.
Initialize the migration:
Optionally, configure a proxy for the migration if necessary. This is supported from DataMiner 10.4.6 onwards.
Click Init migration to initialize the migration.
Start the migration:
Make sure Replication only is not selected.
Select the desired storage types for migration.
Prior to DataMiner 10.5.4/10.6.0, certain custom data, such as DOM, SRM, and Analytics data, are grouped together under the custom_data storage type and can only be migrated as a single category. From DataMiner 10.5.4/10.6.0 onwards, you can select specific storage types such as DOM, SRM, and Analytics, allowing you to migrate this data separately.
For systems with a lot of real-time trending, we urge you to consider if you really need this data to be migrated. This data is typically only stored for 1 day, so when there is a lot of data, this gives an overhead on the rest of the types that need to be migrated, and this can cause the migration to take longer.
Click Start migration to start the migration.
CloudStorageMigration script in DataMiner 10.5.4
The script will initiate the migration process, but the migration itself will not be completed immediately.
To monitor the migration progress, run the CloudStorageMigrationProgress script.
This will log the progress of the migration for each storage type as information events.
Keep an eye on the progress until the status for all storage types that were triggered shows State=Completed.
This indicates that the migration has successfully finished.
In case of issues during or after the migration, revert the DB.xml file to its previous state and re-trigger the migration process. If you want to be certain no data inconsistencies are possible, contact STaaS support. For detailed troubleshooting information, refer to Troubleshooting – STaaS.