Table of Contents

Using an SLA to monitor a power service

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure and use a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to monitor a power service. The steps include creating an SLA using an existing service as a starting point and customizing SLA parameters to track service metrics for high availability compliance.

Additionally, you will learn how to configure an alarm template to monitor and visualize alarms for city streets affected by power service degradation.

Expected duration: 20 minutes


The content and screenshots for this tutorial have been created using DataMiner version 10.4.7.



This tutorial consists of the following steps:

Step 1: Deploy the DataMiner SLA tutorial package from the Catalog

  1. Go to

  2. Deploy the Catalog item to your DataMiner Agent by clicking the Deploy button.

  3. Open DataMiner Cube and check whether the following items have been added to your DataMiner Agent:

    • A view named "DataMiner SLA tutorial" (1)

    • An element named "Power Monitoring - Miami" (2)

    • A service named "Power Service - South Beach" (3)

    DataMiner SLA tutorial

    If this is the case, the package has been successfully deployed.

    On the Data > Table page of the element, you will see that the Street Overview and Power Parameters tables contain pre-provisioned data:

    Street Overview and Power Parameters tables

    On the Data > Power Monitoring - Miami > Table page of the service, you will see that the Power Parameters table already contains two entries.

    Service power parameters

Step 2: Create a new SLA

Now that you have installed the DataMiner SLA tutorial package, you will create a new Service Level Agreement (SLA).

  1. In the Surveyor, right-click the DataMiner SLA tutorial view and select New > SLA.

    Create SLA

    A card will open.

  2. Specify the following information:

    • Name: Power SLA - South Beach

    • Service: Power Service - South Beach

    • Protocol: Skyline SLA Definition Basic

    • Version: Production

    New SLA screen

  3. Click Create to add the SLA.

Step 3: Configure your new SLA

In this step, you will configure different data pages of your newly created SLA.

  1. Navigate to the Data > SLA Configuration page of your SLA.

  2. Configure the following parameters:

    • Window settings

      • Type: Fixed window

      • Time: 1

      • Unit: Minutes

    • Alarm settings

      • Violation Level: Warning

      • Delay Time: Not used

      • Minimum outage threshold: Full outage

    • Extra settings

      • Admin State: Tracking

      • Base Timestamp: 2001/01/01 00:00:00

      • Time To Keep Outages: 1 Month

      • SLA Validity Start Time: Since creation

      • SLA Validity End Time: Forever


    To save all changes simultaneously, click Save all in the lower right corner.

    SLA configuration

  3. Navigate to the Data > Compliance Configuration page of your SLA.

  4. Configure the following parameters:

    • Total violation

      • Maximum Total Violations Type: Absolute

      • Maximum Total Violations Value: 20

      • Maximum Total Violations Unit: Seconds

    • Violation count

      • Total Violations Before Breach: 0
    • Single violation

      • Maximum Single Violation Type: Absolute

      • Maximum Single Violation Value: 5

      • Maximum Single Violation Unit: Seconds


    To save all changes simultaneously, click Save all in the lower right corner.

    Compliance configuration

  5. Navigate to the Data > Advanced Configuration page.

  6. Configure the following parameters:

    • Active Alarms: Show

    • Outages: Enabled

    Advanced configuration


    If you do not see the options to change these parameters, you may not have the sufficient parameter access level. In this case, increase your access level:

    1. Click the user icon in the top-right corner of the Cube header bar.
    2. Select System Center and navigate to Users/Groups.
    3. Go to the Groups tab and select the group in question.
    4. Enter "1" in the Group level field on the Details tab.
    5. Click Apply in the lower right corner of the tab.
    6. Close Cube and restart it.

    See also: Configuring a user group

    If you do not want to change the access level for the entire group, change your own override level:

    1. Navigate to Users/Groups > Users in System Center.
    2. Select the account you used to log in to the DMS.
    3. Enter "1" in the Override level field on the Details tab.
    4. Click Apply in the lower right corner of the tab.
    5. Close Cube and restart it.

Step 4: Assign and modify an alarm template

In the next step, you will assign an alarm template to the Power Monitoring - Miami element. This alarm template came included in the package you installed in a previous step. However, you will need to modify it.

  1. In the Cube sidebar, go to Apps > Protocols & Templates.

  2. Under Protocols, select Skyline Generic Virtual Connector.

  3. Under Alarm, right-click DataMiner SLA tutorial and select Open.

    Open DataMiner SLA tutorial alarm template

  4. Configure the alarm template:

    1. Under Table, set the Power Parameters: Voltage (V) parameter to Included.

    2. Configure the following alarm thresholds:

      • In the WARN LO column, enter 115.

      • In the NORMAL column, enter 120.

      Configure DataMiner SLA tutorial alarm template

    3. Click Apply and then OK.

  5. In the Surveyor, right-click the Power Monitoring - Miami element and select Protocols & Templates > Assign alarm template > DataMiner SLA tutorial.

  6. Confirm that you want to apply this alarm template.

  7. Generate an alarm to verify whether the alarm template was correctly configured.

    1. In the Surveyor, select the Power Monitoring - Miami element.

    2. Go to the DATA > Table page, right-click the Ocean Drive entry in the Power Parameters table, and select Edit item.

    3. Lower the Voltage to 115.

      Generate a Voltage alarm

    4. Click OK.

    The Power Parameters table on the DATA > Table page of your element will now show an alarm in the Voltage column of the Ocean Drive entry. In the Alarm Console, you will see an alarm of severity Warning Low for the Power Monitoring - Miami element.

    Voltage alarm

Step 5: Analyze the SLA metrics

In this final step, you will learn how to interpret different SLA metrics.

  1. Go to the DATA > Main View page of the Power SLA - South Beach SLA element.

    Under Compliance Info, you will see that Compliance is now set to Breached due to the simulated Voltage alarm.

    General SLA metrics


    It may take a few seconds before the compliance status changes from Compliant to Breached.

  2. Restore service compliance:

    1. Go to the DATA > Table page of the Power Monitoring - Miami element.

    2. Right-click the Ocean Drive entry in the Power Parameters table, and select Edit item.

    3. Set the Voltage to 120.

    4. Click OK.

      The Voltage alarm has now been cleared.

  3. Return to the DATA > Main View page of the Power SLA - South Beach SLA element.

    Under Compliance Info, the Compliance status will now be set to Compliant.


    It may take a few seconds before the compliance status changes from Breached to Compliant.

  4. Go to the DATA > Outage List page of the SLA.

    On this page, you will find a history of SLA compliance metrics.

    SLA outage list

    SLA history statistics


Optionally, explore the other pages of the Power SLA - South Beach SLA element such as the Offline window and Violation Configuration pages.